This project contains a cross-platform Quake 2 .bsp and .md2 viewers based on .NET Core 3 and Veldrid.
Supported map features:
- Texture loading from PAKs
- Lightmaps (they're combined into atlas for efficient rendering)
- Light styles (blinking lights, etc.)
- Warping textures
- Flowing textures
- Skyboxes (PCX only)
Camera controls:
- W/A/S/D/Q/E to move
- Arrow keys (or hold LMB/RMB) to rotate
- Shift increases movement speed, Ctrl decreases it
- F: Show wireframe (including triggers)
- G: Show gizmo (three colored axes at origin)
- 1: Normal mode
- 2: Non-textured mode (randomly colored)
- 3: Collision volume display mode (brushes)
-m, --map Required. Path to a .bsp map
-p, --paks List of paths to .pak files
Note - the code is a little bit non-straightforward and non-idiomatic because it's optimized to pursue the following qualities:
- Minimal state switching - faces are grouped by their diffuse texture to minimize costly GPU state switches;
- Skipping non-visible geometry - the face groups' AABBs are checked against the frustum;
- Controllable memory allocation - some things are stack-allocated, and there are two custom allocators:
- DirectHeapMemoryAllocator allocates arrays in the unmanaged heap to ensure they won't end up in LOH, they're wrapped in a struct which implements Dispose to free them;
- SharedArrayPoolAllocator reuses an existing array from a shared array pool - it's mostly used in hot paths.
Loads and renders an animated MD2 model file. Frames are played sequentally.
The frames are packed in to a texture (this technique is often called 'Vertex Animation Texture') and automatically interpolated by the GPU using linear sampling.
Camera controls are the same as above.
-m, --model Required. Path to a .md2 model
-p, --paks List of paths to .pak files
Check Tests/FILE_SAMPLES.txt
for information about data files used in the tests.
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