This project focuses on Person Re-Identification (ReID), a critical technology in computer vision and video analysis. ReID aims to recognize and track individuals across multiple non-overlapping camera views, linking or matching images of the same person captured by different cameras within a surveillance system. This project explores various methodologies, datasets, and models to test and improve ReID systems. The primary goal was to implement and evaluate a hand-coded method developed for a school project.
Security and Surveillance: Track individuals across cameras in public spaces to identify suspects and monitor crowds. Retail and Marketing: Personalize advertising, identify VIP customers, and optimize store layouts based on customer movement. Healthcare and Robotics: Monitor elderly patients, track hospital patients, and assist robot navigation by identifying individuals.
Occluded Person Re-Identification Via Relational Adaptive Feature Correction Learning (attention Maps)
Long-Term Person Re-Identification Based on Appearance and Gait Feature Fusion under Covariate Changes
YOLOv5: Used for accurate and efficient real-time person detection.
ResNet-50: Extracts meaningful features from detected individuals for accurate ReID.
Triplet Loss: Enhances the learning of discriminative features for better ReID performance.
The dataset can be found via this link:
320 individuals captured across 2 disjoint camera views
600 image sequences (2 per person)
Variable sequence lengths (23-192 frames, average 73)
Clothing similarities
Lighting and viewpoint variations
Background clutter
1261 unique pedestrians across 6 cameras
Extension of Market-1501 with more challenging aspects
Frames captured from synchronized cameras for temporal analysis
Emphasis on motion analysis with tracklets
Over 800k images in the training set alone
Random changes in brightness, contrast, and saturation of images
Operates in the HSV color space for intuitive color manipulation
Trained for 50 epochs with batches of 32 images
Trained using both Adam and SGD optimizers for 500 epochs
Adam: Learning rate of 0.0001
SGD: Learning rate of 0.01 with momentum of 0.9 and decay of 0.0005