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Suggested development workflow

Kiriti Gowda edited this page Sep 9, 2021 · 4 revisions

1. Fork your own copy of MIVisionX to your account

Public can access your repository from where USER-NAME is your GitHub username.

See GitHub help for more details.

2. Setup your development environment

2.1 Install dependencies

Use Install instructions from the MIVisionX

2.2 Setup local copy of your personal repository

% cd ~/work
% git clone
% cd MIVisionX
% git branch -m master-personal
% git remote add AMD
% git fetch --all
% git checkout -b master --track AMD/master
% git pull

2.3 Make sure you can build

% cd ~/work
% mkdir build
% cd build
% cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../MIVisionX
% make
% ls -l bin
... all the binaries will be in ~/work/build/bin folder ...

3. Start the development work

3.1 Sync personal repository and create a new branch before making any local changes

% cd ~/work/MIVisionX
% git checkout master
% git pull
% git checkout -b your-name-initials/new-branch-name

Pick a meaningful name for the new branch, for example, user/test_examples

3.2 Make source code changes, build, and unit test

% cd ~/work/MIVisionX
% ... edit source files ...

Now, just build and unit test

% cd ~/work/build
% make
% ... unit test using binaries in ~/work/build/bin folder ...

3.3 Review your source code changes before commit

% cd ~/work/MIVisionX
% git status
... review changes and make sure that only files that you intended to change are listed ...
% git diff
... review every change to source code files ...
% git add list-of-file(s)
% git status
... review changes again and make sure that only files that you intended to change are listed ...
% git commit -m "describe your changes"
% git push
... this will push local commits into your personal repository on github ...
  • select base fork as GPUOpen-ProfessionalCompute-Libraries/MIVisionX
  • select base branch as master
  • select head fork as USER-NAME/MIVisionX
  • select compare branch as your-name-initials/new-branch-name
  • type in the title and comment
  • scroll down and review all code change once more
  • scroll up and click Create pull request button to submit the pull request

See GitHub help for more details.