Keelson processor for creating an realtime panorama image based on multiple camera sensors
python3 bin/ --log-level 10 -e boatswain --trigger-sub rise/v0/boatswain/pubsub/compressed_image/axis-1 --camera-query rise/v0/boatswain/pubsub/compressed_image/*
Setup for development environment on your own computer:
Iearn more about docker and its building blocks of images and containers checkout Docker quick hands-on in guide
Start up of Zenoh router either in your computer or any other computer within your local network
# Navigate to folder containing docker-compose.zenoh-router.yml # Start router with log output docker compose -f docker-compose.zenoh-router.yml up # If no obvious errors, stop container "ctrl-c" # Start container and let it run in the background/detached (append -d) docker compose -f docker-compose.zenoh-router.yml up -d
Now the Zenoh router is hopefully running in the background and should be available on localhost:8000. This can be example tested with Zenoh Rest API or continue to next step running Python API
Set up python virtual environment
python >= 3.11
- Install package
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install package
Now you are ready to explore some example scripts in the exploration folder
- Sample are coming from: