Install Docker Desktop for Windows
- Docker Desktop provides a user interface for monitoring and controlling Docker containers and images, along with simplified debugging.
- If you want to learn more about Docker and its building blocks of images and containers, check out the Docker quick hands-on guide.
Start up the Zenoh router either on your computer or any other computer within your local network.
See the Docker Compose file docker-compose.zenoh-router.yml.
To start the router, open a terminal and navigate to the folder where the above-mentioned Docker Compose file is located.
# Check that you are in the folder containing the docker-compose.zenoh-router.yml ls # Start the router with log output docker compose -f docker-compose.zenoh-router.yml up -d
Verify that the router has started in Docker Desktop. There should be a green indication on a container named "zenoh-router".
Clone this repository in your preferred way. We recommend using GitHub Desktop. Link to GitHub repository
Open the project in VSCode and start the devcontainer.
- The devcontainer can be started with the built-in action command. Press Ctrl+Shift+P.
- Select "Dev container: build and open" (or a similar action).
- The devcontainer should start building, which may take a few minutes the first time.
- To learn more about devcontainers, read the following tutorial: LINK to tutorial
Start playback of the MCAP file.
Keep the data files outside this project to prevent them from ending up in the Git repository or being pushed to GitHub.
Create or use an existing folder for all data. In this example, a local folder named "DB" is used, and the MCAP file name is "sspa.mcap".
Run the following commands outside the devcontainer in a terminal:
# You need to input your system info in all places where <this_text_is> # Template docker run --rm --network host --name mcap-replay --volume <path_to_file_dir>:/mcap_rec ghcr.io/rise-maritime/keelson:0.3.7-pre.55 "mcap-replay --input mcap_rec/<name_of_file>.mcap" # Example docker run --rm --network host --name mcap-replay --volume E:/EPA_TEMP:/mcap_rec ghcr.io/rise-maritime/keelson:0.3.7-pre.55 "mcap-replay --input mcap_rec/sspa.mcap"
If the file is found, you should see something similar to the following output:
2024-09-06 14:38:30,422 INFO mcap-replay Opening Zenoh session... 2024-09-06 14:38:31,147 INFO mcap-replay Replaying from: rec/sspa.mcap 2024-09-06 14:38:31,147 INFO mcap-replay ...with 11 channels 2024-09-06 14:38:31,147 INFO mcap-replay ...with 11591 messages 2024-09-06 14:38:31,147 INFO mcap-replay ...with 574 chunks 2024-09-06 14:38:31,147 INFO mcap-replay ...with 11 schemas 2024-09-06 14:38:31,147 INFO mcap-replay ...first message at 1718014071523365283 2024-09-06 14:38:31,147 INFO mcap-replay ...last message at 1718014230169277764 2024-09-06 14:38:31,147 INFO mcap-replay Declaring publisher for: rise/v0/boatswain/pubsub/flight_controller_telemetry_rawimu/speedybee 2024-09-06 14:38:31,147 INFO mcap-replay Declaring publisher for: rise/v0/boatswain/pubsub/flight_controller_telemetry_ahrs/speedybee 2024-09-06 14:38:31,147 INFO mcap-replay Declaring publisher for: rise/v0/boatswain/pubsub/flight_controller_telemetry_vibration/speedybee 2024-09-06 14:38:31,147 INFO mcap-replay Declaring publisher for: rise/v0/boatswain/pubsub/flight_controller_telemetry_battery/speedybee 2024-09-06 14:38:31,147 INFO mcap-replay Declaring publisher for: rise/v0/boatswain/pubsub/compressed_image/axis-3 2024-09-06 14:38:31,148 INFO mcap-replay Declaring publisher for: rise/v0/boatswain/pubsub/point_cloud/ydlidar 2024-09-06 14:38:31,148 INFO mcap-replay Declaring publisher for: rise/v0/boatswain/pubsub/point_cloud_simplified/ydlidar 2024-09-06 14:38:31,148 INFO mcap-replay Declaring publisher for: rise/v0/boatswain/pubsub/compressed_image/axis-4 2024-09-06 14:38:31,148 INFO mcap-replay Declaring publisher for: rise/v0/boatswain/pubsub/compressed_image/axis-2 2024-09-06 14:38:31,148 INFO mcap-replay Declaring publisher for: rise/v0/boatswain/pubsub/flight_controller_telemetry_vfrhud/speedybee 2024-09-06 14:38:31,148 INFO mcap-replay Declaring publisher for: rise/v0/boatswain/pubsub/compressed_image/axis-1
Run the processor.
- Open a terminal inside the devcontainer and navigate to the project root folder.
- Edit the subscription topic "--trigger-sub" to match the output from the replay file.
python3 bin/main.py --log-level 10 -e boatswain --trigger-sub rise/v0/boatswain/pubsub/compressed_image/axis-1 --camera-query rise/v0/boatswain/pubsub/compressed_image/*
python3 bin/main.py --log-level 10 -e boatswain --trigger-sub axis-1
# Zenoh Router not connecting
python bin/main.py --connect tcp/localhost:7447 --mode client --log-level 10 --entity-id boatswain --trigger-sub “rise/v0/boatswain/pubsub/compressed_image/**"