Ecoacoustics Audio Analysis Software v20.5.0.170
Version v20.5.0.170
Compare v20.4.0.142...v20.5.0.170
- 796057e Anthony Truskinger - Makes working with test result artefacts easier
- f1f705d Anthony Truskinger - Fixes more unit tests
- 59b256e Anthony Truskinger - Fixes unit tests
- 10df97a Anthony Truskinger - Adds more extension methods to interval
- 587d645 Anthony Truskinger - Switches pdb types to portable
- c63aa6c Anthony Truskinger - Add json output for new events
- d291705 Anthony Truskinger - Fix error in docs generation script
- 9ab9c45 Anthony Truskinger - Add example scripts and documentation
- 6f4eda6 towsey - (#297) Final edits after Anthony review.
- 16bc669 Michael Towsey - Update src/AudioAnalysisTools/Events/Types/CompositeEvent.cs
- 79e8f35 Michael Towsey - Update src/AnalysisPrograms/Recognizers/Birds/BotaurusPoiciloptilus.cs
- b28d093 Anthony Truskinger - Fix spelling mistake
- 89904f9 Anthony Truskinger - Update scripting with R document
- 5cbf017 towsey - Update PteropusSpTests.cs
- deee017 towsey - (#297) Changes as part of code review.
- 35c7447 Marina D. A. Scarpelli - Update
- 3a47495 Marina D. A. Scarpelli - Create
- 7852743 Anthony Truskinger - Update
- 8ec397c towsey - (#297) Prepare config file for Koala recognizer v3
- e52411a Michael Towsey - (#297) tweak bittern recognizer
- bf2bd6f towsey - (#297) Update EventCommon.cs
- b8880db towsey - (#297) Fix methods for post-processing of whistle events
- 04c95d5 towsey - (#297) Write methods that detect acoustic activity in band above whistle
- 5fa7cfb towsey - (#297) Work on reducing false positives in whistle recognizers.
- 4fecb8c Anthony Truskinger - Update
- 2ddf3fb Michael Towsey - Update Towsey.BotaurusPoiciloptilus.yml
- 09ee175 Michael Towsey - Update BotaurusPoiciloptilus.cs
- d929e75 towsey - (#297) Final tweaks to Aust Bittern recognizer
- 5d2e8cc towsey - (#297) Change type casting between event types
- e1ea09d towsey - (#297) Wirte new class EventExtensions.cs
- a11b60c towsey - (#297) Set up the Australasian Bittern recognizer
- b44b7dd towsey - (#297) Finish work on Boobook owl recognizer
- 279c487 towsey - (#297) Koala yml file
- aec2584 towsey - (#297) Create KoalaV3.cs
- e79f6e2 towsey - Create Australasian Bittern recognizer
- c90f8fc towsey - (#297) Shift more frog yml files
- 4f48746 towsey - (#297) Put frog yml files in frog folder
- 24e560c towsey - (#297) Update NinoxBoobook.cs
- d556710 towsey - (#297) Update PezoporusOccidentalis.cs
- b5e7169 towsey - (#297) Set up the boobook owl recognizer.
- 925e2ca towsey - (#297) Update Track.cs
- 66d41d0 towsey - (#297) Start work on Boobook recognizer
- acbc0d1 Anthony Truskinger - Add another test case for DrawTextSafe
- 034d396 towsey - (#297) Create NinoxBoobook.cs
- 65a980c towsey - (#297) Fix various bugs in the drawing of events on spectrograms.
- c2d3dc3 Anthony Truskinger - DrawTextSafe now accounts for kerning
- c193a38 Anthony Truskinger - Fix old mono reference
- 5afbf11 towsey - (#297) Reworked calculation of normalised score
- 5547a62 Anthony Truskinger - Switch all text rendering to draw text safe
- d69099c towsey - (#297) Update CompositeEvent.cs
- 78572a8 towsey - (#297) Fixed the drawing of labels and score bars for spectral events.
- 76573b7 towsey - (#297) Get unit tests working for spectral events
- 269edd1 towsey - (#297) Get code to build after major rework re scores and track drawing etc
- 331b713 towsey - (#297) Create four Algorithm classes for track events
- 5b351a6 Anthony Truskinger - Reverted changes to score, improved drawing methods
- e464f63 towsey - (#297) More work on calculation and normalisation of event scores.
- bca9917 towsey - (#297) Fix the normalisastion of event scores
- ffe546c Anthony Truskinger - Fixes faulty LFS file check error
- 7e4a8e9 towsey - (#297) Remove a duplicated draw method in SpectrogramTools
- fa3afbd towsey - (#297) Get tests working for drawing of Forward events.
- 20b29f0 towsey - (#297) Add methods to draw events on spectrograms
- 1b83c46 towsey - (#297) Fix unit test for darwing of SpectralEvent on spectrogram
- 6a35ba0 towsey - (#297) Get one test working for SpectralEvent class
- 45ed89d towsey - (#297) Remove old AcousticEvent constructor
- 2274b91 towsey - (#297) Create new name spaces for frog and bird recognizers.
- 9ce3db6 Anthony Truskinger - (#310) Fix build
- 30f5d30 Anthony Truskinger - Removed default docs metadata file
- 1e8e33c Anthony Truskinger - Updates docs
- 08a8645 towsey - (#297) Start work on the new Event hierarchy
- 9a97637 Anthony Truskinger - Create apMetadata.json
- 254172d Anthony Truskinger - (#313) Add docs website link 😁
- 59219a1 Anthony Truskinger - (#313) Publishes our documentation
- 7d529e6 towsey - (#297) Miinor changes
- a76b248 towsey - (#297) Update Track.cs
- 07ac99f towsey - (#297) Update AcousticEvent.cs
- 99d3394 towsey - (#297) Fix test classes
- aaa3fa7 towsey - (#297) Iron bugs out of track extraction
- faf39a5 towsey - (#297) Correct spelling of class name
- 96a797e towsey - (#297) More work on setting up event types
- bff0696 towsey - (#297) Changes to event/track rendering
- 15cebf9 towsey - FUrther changes of method and class names
- 3f0e9c6 towsey - (#297) Create two new event typ0es
- 04a0808 towsey - Rename some of the track/event recognizers
- d0dbcf7 towsey - Update AcousticEvent.cs
- 7ea4b8c towsey - Get upwards tracks drawing correctly.
- 83eb327 towsey - (#297) Debug UnitConverters
- 1cd8412 towsey - (#297) Renamed class and methods to reflect new nomenclature
- f537c36 towsey - (#297) Getting track drawing to work after merge.
- b5d0400 towsey - (#297) Update VerticalTrackParameters.cs
- c5111ef Anthony Truskinger - (#310) [WIP] Tracks drawing tests begun
- 3663cbb towsey - (#297) Adjust unit tests to accomodate new Track hierarchy
- 1954a7d towsey - (#297) Adapt two classes to new Track hierarchy
- 728d540 towsey - (#297) Collateral changes required while working on Track classes
- 7446c49 towsey - (#297) New work on tracks
- b4d2ecd towsey - (#297) New work on Unit conversion.
- b374157 Anthony Truskinger - Update
- 3aaef32 Anthony Truskinger - (#310) Fixes drawing for new events
- 6666293 towsey - (#297) Complete tests for Track.cs
- de6a822 towsey - (#297) Create new tests for tracks
- 0d8ba63 towsey - (#297) Set up test for Track class and UnitConverters class
- 689921f Anthony Truskinger - [WIP] Add draw border inset method
- 8a1539a towsey - (#297) More work on Track class
- f9292e3 towsey - (#297) Create new Track class
- 43eeae1 towsey - (#297) Prepare for removal of the old SpectralTrack class
- 117994e towsey - (#297) Augment unit converters class
- bfba2b2 Anthony Truskinger - (#310) Add tests for spectral event
- 1caf8f1 Anthony Truskinger - (#310) Continue working on new event architecture
- 0d19f9c Anthony Truskinger - Improved instructions for setting up dev software
- e243616 Anthony Truskinger - (#310) [WIP] Started new event archtiecture
- 420e033 towsey - (#297) Set up methods to draw tracks and acoustic events on spectrograms.
- f2bb1e5 Anthony Truskinger - Bulk style changes
- f072e0f Anthony Truskinger - (#311) Avoid duplicate copy of audio files
- 297729e towsey - (#297) Set up new methods for drawing spectral tracks
- 6ce4b9a Anthony Truskinger - Fix merge error
- 3f1ff1b Anthony Truskinger - (#196) Undo debugging switches for CI build
- 5db59e7 towsey - (#297) Enable user to specify whether to combine events
- 50a4914 towsey - (#297) Change SpectralTrack method to return complete track data
- 82f78cd towsey - (#297) Fix bugs in SpectralTrack class
- f6b90d9 towsey - Set up another unit test for Vertical tracks
- 8fde859 Anthony Truskinger - Add gitter chat bade
- 3c55a34 towsey - (#297) Update VerticalTrackParameters.cs
- 6f2c616 towsey - (#297) Fix out of range bugs
- 1fa84b1 towsey - (#297) Get new VerticalTrack component recognizer working
- 4a16758 towsey - (#297) Update SpectralPeakTrackParameters.cs
- 0dcdb43 towsey - (#297) Rework the old SpectralTrack class.
- d5bf5d7 towsey - (#297) Write new recognizer for VerticalTrack components
- 2658be2 towsey - (#297) Write method to combine proximal similar events
- a43134a towsey - (#297) Finish unit test for click events
- f941679 towsey - (#297) Write and Test Click recognizer
- a81b906 towsey - (#297) Update GenericRecognizer.cs
- cc44224 towsey - (#297) Set up new event type - (#297) the Click
- 17bf9f4 towsey - (#297) Define a set of event types
- 5ae9cc5 towsey - (#297) Retain track info to store in acoustic event
- b603703 towsey - (#297, #297) Issue#297 Tweak the spectral peak track recognizer
- 7ea052d towsey - (#297) Work on spectral peak track recognizer
- 827a5ba towsey - (#297) Update HarmonicParameters.cs
- 4a3916e towsey - (#297, #307) Find bug re window overlap
- 2b9fa60 towsey - (#297) Work on the harmonic recognizer
- fca8484 Anthony Truskinger - Update
- 12398bb towsey - (#297) Set up generic recognizer for stone curlew call
- ad7b7dc towsey - (#297) Establish unit test for generic recognition of harmonics
- 767dd01 towsey - (#297) Set up artificial spectrogram
- e2df198 Charles Alleman - (#305) Created PR Template (#305)
- 2bbb60b Anthony Truskinger - (#301) Cleaned up unconventional code
- 4d6e3c7 Anthony Truskinger - Cleaned up event test
- 6d970e3 towsey - (#300) Fixed test of drawing events
- af4813e towsey - (#300) Fix anti-aliasing when drawing event
- 8a5a6f0 towsey - (#300) Changes as requested by Anthony
- 6de76cc towsey - (#300) Update AcousticEvent.cs
- 1df70c5 towsey - (#300) Update AcousticEvent.cs
- 4cd48e8 towsey - (#300) Remove a call to one of my do-it-yourself test methods.
- 71a53b8 towsey - (#300) Fixing bugs in merging of acoustic events
- 79620e6 towsey - (#300) Unit tests for drawing events on sonograms
- 5a3f9af towsey - (#300) Write one unit test for overlay of hit scores
- b05bbb0 towsey - Update SpectrogramSettings.cs