wilhelm-ws is a JSR 370 JAX-RS webservice exclusively serving wilhelmlang.com
[email protected]:QubitPi/wilhelm-ws.git
cd wilhelm-ws
mvn clean verify
wilhelm-ws favors running in an external Jetty container, so its executable is not a fat JAR but a WAR which can be compiled up with
mvn clean package
Navigate to a dedicated directory; make sure port 8080 is not occupied and the following environment variables are set:
export NEO4J_URI=
Then start webservice with:
Press Ctr-C
to stop the webservice and delete generated directories if needed when done.
wilhelm-ws has a dedicated release definition called wilhelm-ws-release-definition for its automated deployment. Please check that our for details.
The use and distribution terms for wilhelm-ws are covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0.