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Description of functions


anglerfish.make_logger(name: str, when: str='midnight', single_zip: bool=False, log_file: str=None, backup_count: int=100, emoji: bool=False)

Description: Returns a Logger, that has Colored output, logs to STDOUT, logs to Rotating File, it will try to Log to Unix SysLog Server if any, log file is based on App name, if the App ends correctly it will automatically ZIP compress the old unused rotated logs, Colored output may not be available on MS Windows OS, this should be the first one to use, since others may need a way to log out important info, you should always have a logger. Please use a unique and distinctive name for your app, and use the same name every time Angler needs an app name.


  • name is a unique name of your App, like a unique identifier, string type.
  • when is one of 'midnight', 'S', 'M', 'H', 'D', 'W0'-'W6', optional will use 'midnight' if not provided, string type.
  • single_zip Unused Old Rotated Logs will be ZIP Compressed automagically, True equals 1 ZIP per Log, False equals 1 ZIP for All Logs, lets the user choose if you want a single ZIP or one per log file.
  • log_file log filename path or None, optional, defaults to None, os.path.join(gettempdir(), name.lower().strip() + ".log") will be used if left as None, log filename path on use will be printed to stdout automatically, string type.
  • backup_count number of log backups to keep, optional, defaults to 100, meaning 100 backups, integer type.
  • emoji Kitten Emoji on logger (ala Yarn ), Optional, defaults to False, boolean type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: logging.logger object.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import make_logger
>>> log = make_logger("MyAppName")
Logger created with Log file at: /tmp/myappname.log.
>>> log.debug("This is a Test.")
This is a Test.
>>>"This is a Test.")
This is a Test.
>>> log.warning("This is a Test.")
This is a Test.
>>> log.critical("This is a Test.")
This is a Test.
>>> log.exception("This is a Test.")
This is a Test.

anglerfish.get_free_port(port_range: tuple=(8000, 9000))

Description: Returns a free unused port number integer. Takes a tuple of 2 integers as argument, being the range of port numbers to scan.


  • port_range is the range of port numbers to scan, starting port and ending port numbers. 2 items only are allowed. Tuple type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: Integer, a free unused port number.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import get_free_port
>>> get_free_port()
Found free unused port number: 8000

anglerfish.make_notification(title: str, message: str="", name: str="", icon: str="", timeout: int=3000))

Description: Makes a Passive Notification Bubble (Passive Popup), it works cross-desktop, using one of DBus, PyNotify, notify-send, kdialog, zenity or xmessage. Should degrade nicely on operating systems that dont have any of those. Best results are with D-Bus.


  • title is the short title of your message, mandatory, string type.
  • message is body of your message, defaults to empty string, optional, string type.
  • name is the name of your App, defaults to empty string, optional, string type.
  • icon is the icon name of your App, defaults to empty string, optional, string type.
  • timeout is the timeout for your notification bubble, defaults to 3000, optional, integer type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: None.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Untested
Windows No API

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import make_notification
>>> make_notification("test")
Sending Notification message via D-Bus API.

anglerfish.bytes2human(bites: int, to: str, bsize: int=1024)

Description: Returns a Human Friendly string containing the argument integer bytes expressed as KiloBytes, MegaBytes, GigaBytes (...), uses a Byte Size of 1024 by default. Its basically a Bytes to KiloBytes, MegaBytes, GigaBytes (...).


  • bites is the number of bytes, integer type.
  • to is one of 'k', 'm', 'g', 't', 'p', 'e', being KiloBytes, MegaBytes, GigaBytes (...), string type.
  • bsize is the Byte Size, defaults to 1024, since tipically is the desired byte size, integer type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: string, human friendly representation.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import bytes2human
>>> bytes2human(3284902384, "g")
Converting 3284902384 Bytes to G.
"3 Gigabytes"

anglerfish.check_encoding(check_root: bool=True)

Description: Checks the all the Encodings of the System and Logs the results, to name a few like STDIN, STDERR, STDOUT, FileSystem, PYTHONIOENCODING and Default Encoding, takes no arguments, requires a working Logger, all "UTF-8" should be ideal on Linux/Mac.


  • check_root Check for root/administrator privileges, optional, boolean type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: Bool, True if everything is Ok.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Untested
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import check_encoding
>>> check_encoding()
STDIN Encoding: UTF-8.
STDERR Encoding: UTF-8.
STDOUT Encoding: UTF-8.
Default Encoding: utf-8.
FileSystem Encoding: utf-8.

anglerfish.check_folder(folder_to_check: str, check_space: int=1)

Description: Checks a working folder from folder_to_check argument for everything that can go wrong, like no Read Permissions, that the folder does not exists, and no space left on it, etc etc. Returns Boolean.


  • folder_to_check path of the folder to check, string type.
  • check_space Check for a minimum of disk space, Units are GigaBytes, Defaults to at least 1Gb, optional, integer type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: True if everything is Ok, bool type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import check_folder
>>> check_folder("/path/to/my/folder/")
Checking the Working Folder: "/path/to/my/folder/"
Folder Total Free Space: ~88 GigaBytes.


Description: Cross-platform cross-desktop Clipboard functionality, takes no arguments.

Arguments: None.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: A typing.NamedTuple object, with type hinting, clipboard_copy() and clipboard_paste().

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Untested
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import get_clipboard
>>> clipboard_copy, clipboard_paste = get_clipboard()
Querying Copy/Paste Clipboard functionality.
>>> clipboard_copy("This is a Test.")
>>> print(clipboard_paste())
"This is a Test."
>>> # Or this way:
>>> get_clipboard().copy("This is a Test.")
>>> print(get_clipboard().paste())
"This is a Test."

anglerfish.get_sanitized_string(stringy: str, repla: str="")

Description: Take string argument and sanitize non-printable weird characters and return a clean string, ready to use on ASCII-only if required, optionally you can pass a replacement string to be used.


  • stringy string to be clean out of weird characters, string type.
  • repla a replacement string to be used instead of empty string "", can be a single character.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: string, the same as input but ASCII-only ready.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import get_sanitized_string
>>> get_sanitized_string("╭∩╮_(҂≖̀‿≖́)_╭∩╮")

anglerfish.get_temp_folder(appname: str)

Description: Creates and returns a folder on the systems Temporary directory, creating it or not if needed, the folder will have the same name as the App passed as argument, it means to be a liittle more safe than just writing everything to the systems temp folder where simple name collisions can overwrite and loss data.

Arguments: appname the name of your app.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: string, full path to the apps temp folder.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import get_temp_folder
>>> get_temp_folder("test")
Temp folder for test is: /tmp/test.
Creating new Temp folder: /tmp/test.

anglerfish.beep(waveform: tuple)

Description: A "Beep" sound, a Cross-platform sound playing with Standard Lib only, No Sound file is required, like old days Pc Speaker Buzzer Beep sound, meant for very long running operations and/or headless command line apps, it works on Linux, Windows and Mac and requires nothing to run.

Arguments: waveform tuple containing integers, as the sinewave for the beep sound, defaults to (79, 45, 32, 50, 99, 113, 126, 127).

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: True is sound playing went Ok, bool type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Untested
Windows Untested

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import beep
>>> beep()
Generating and Playing Sound...
Playing raw data '/tmp/beep.wav' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono

anglerfish.json_pretty(json_dict: dict)

Description: Pretty-Printing JSON data from dictionary to string, very human friendly representation, similar to YML but still valid JSON, works perfectly with JavaScript too.

Arguments: json_dict a dict with data that will be converted to JSON and pretty-printed as string.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: string, the JSON data.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import json_pretty
>>> json_pretty({"foo": True, "bar": 42, "baz": []})
Pretty-Printing JSON data string...
'\n\n{\n    "bar":  42,\n\n    "baz":  [],\n\n    "foo":  true\n}\n'


Description: Log Exceptions but pretty printing with a lot more information of whats going on under the hood, returns a string printing it via a working logger at the same time, works for Exceptions like on try...except...finally constructions, takes no arguments.

Arguments: None.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: string, the info about the exception.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import log_exception
>>> try:
>>>     0 / 0
>>> except Exception:
>>>     log_exception()

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

################################ D E B U G ###############################
Listing all Local objects by context frame, ordered by innermost last:

The Unnamed Anonymous Module Function from file <stdin> at line 4 failed!.
Unnamed Anonymous Module Function
|___ __name__ = '__main__'  # Type: <class 'str'>, Size: 57Bytes, ID: 139686962655984
|___ __annotations__ = {}  # Type: <class 'dict'>, Size: 64Bytes, ID: 139686962997360
|___ __builtins__ = <module 'builtins' (built-in)>  # Type: <class 'module'>, Size: 61Bytes, ID: 139686982977000
|___ make_logger = <function make_logger at 0x7f0b613650d0>  # Type: <class 'function'>, Size: 60Bytes, ID: 139686852317392
|___ log = <RootLogger root (Level -1)>  # Type: <class 'logging.RootLogge, Size: 52Bytes, ID: 139686951311120
|___ log_exception = <function log_exception at 0x7f0b657dba60>  # Type: <class 'function'>, Size: 62Bytes, ID: 139686924106336

Thats all we know about the error, check the LOG file and StdOut.
############################### D E B U G #############################

anglerfish.ipdb_on_exception(debugger: str="ipdb")

Description: Automatic iPDB Debugger when an Exception happens, it install a handler to attach a post-mortem ipdb console on an exception on the fly at runtime, PDB, iPDB can be used as Debugger console. ipdb Python package must be installed for ipdb option to work.


  • debugger one of "ipdb", "pdb".

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: None.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import ipdb_on_exception
>>> ipdb_on_exception()
Installing an automatic Debugger upon Exceptions...

anglerfish.seconds2human(time_on_seconds: int, do_year: bool=True, unit_words: dict={"y": " Years ", "d": " Days ", "h": " Hours ", "m": " Minutes ", "s": " Seconds "})

Description: From Time on seconds to very human friendly string representation, calculates time with precision from seconds to days, returns the string with representation.


  • time_on_seconds time on seconds, integer type.
  • do_year True to calculate Years, optional, defaults to True, bool type.
  • unit_words dictionary with words representing human Time units, useful for internationalization of the output string, defaults to English, optional, dict type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: string, human friendly representation.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import seconds2human
>>> seconds2human(490890)
'05 Days 16 Hours 21 Minutes 30 Seconds'

anglerfish.timedelta2human(time_delta, do_year: bool=True, unit_words: dict={"y": " Years ", "d": " Days ", "h": " Hours ", "m": " Minutes ", "s": " Seconds "})

Description: Convert a TimeDelta object to human string representation. From timedelta object to very human friendly string representation, calculates time with precision from seconds to years, returns the string with representawation. Internally is just a shortcut to anglerfish.seconds2human().


  • time_delta timedelta object, datetime.timedelta type.
  • do_year True to calculate Years, optional, defaults to True, bool type.
  • unit_words dictionary with words representing human Time units, useful for internationalization of the output string, defaults to English, optional, dict type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: string, human friendly representation.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> import datetime
>>> from anglerfish import timedelta2human
>>> deltatime_object = datetime.timedelta(seconds=123.456789)
>>> timedelta2human(deltatime_object)
'02 Minutes 03 Seconds'

anglerfish.set_process_name(name: str)

Description: Set the current process name to the argument name, so instead of all your apps listing as python on the system monitor they will have proper names, this helps debug, troubleshooting and system administration in general. Its very recommended you use the same string passed to anglerfish.make_logger()


  • name the name of your app, string type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: True if it can change the process name, bool type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Untested
Windows No API

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import set_process_name
>>> set_process_name("MyApp")

anglerfish.walk2list(where: str, target: str, omit: str, links: Bool=False, tuply: Bool=True, namedtuple: bool=False)

Description: Perform full recursive walk of where folder path, search for target like files, ignoring omit like files, follow symbolic links if links is True, convert the output to tuple if tuply is True, else return the list containing the path of all the files. Using a named tuple the maximum limit of items on that tuple is 255 because of the under low level Python implementation, on CPython < 3.7 it will cause SyntaxError: more than 255 arguments if more than 255 items on the tuple, on CPython >= 3.7 this has been fixed allowing more than 255 items on that tuple, this is not an Angler Bug but a limitation of Python itself.


  • where path to a folder to scan, string type.
  • target type of files to search for, for example .py, string type.
  • omit type of files to ignote, for example .pyc, string type.
  • links a Boolean, True to follow simbolic links, optional, defaults to False, boolean type.
  • tuply a Boolean, True to convert the output list into a tuple, optional, defaults to True, boolean type.
  • namedtuple String or None, string to use as the name of the NamedTuple, convert the output tuple into a NamedTuple, optional, defaults to None, string type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: list or tuple or NamedTuple

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import walk2list
>>> walk2list(".")
("", "")

anglerfish.walk2dict(folder: str, links: Bool=False, showhidden: Bool=False, strip: Bool=False, jsony: Bool=False, ordereddict: bool=False)

Description: Return Nested Dictionary that represents the folders and files structure of the folder,


  • folder path to folder to scan, string type.
  • links a Boolean, True to follow simbolic links.
  • showhidden a Boolean, True to show hidden files and folders.
  • strip a Boolean, True to strip the relative folder path.
  • jsony a Boolean, True to convert the dict to JSON.
  • ordereddict a Boolean, True to convert the dict to OrderedDict.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: dict or str with JSON.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import walk2dict
>>> walk2dict(".")

anglerfish.multiprocessed(function: Callable, arguments: object, cpu_num: int=1, thread_num: int=1, timeout: int=None)

Description: Execute code on multiple CPU Cores and multiple Threads per CPU Core, with optional Timeout, on a quick and easy way.


  • function a function of Callable type to execute code,
  • arguments is an object that represent the arguments for the function,
  • cpu_num how many CPU Cores to use, integer type,
  • thread_num how many Threads per CPU Core to use, integer type,
  • timeout a Timeout on Seconds, integer type or None.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: concurrent.futures object.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import multiprocessed
>>> import time
>>> def process_job(job):  # a simple function for testing only
>>>     time.sleep(1)
>>>     count = 100
>>>     while count > 0:
>>>         count -= 1
>>>     return job
>>> jobs = [str(i) for i in range(30)]  # a simple list
>>> print(multiprocessed(process_job, jobs, cpu_num=1, thread_num=4))
>>> print(multiprocessed(process_job, jobs, cpu_num=4, thread_num=1))

@threads(n: int, timeout=None)

Description: Execute code on multiple Threads, with optional Timeout, on a quick and easy way.


  • n number of Threads to use for the function execution, integer type,
  • timeout a Timeout on seconds or None.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: Its a Decorator.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import threads
>>> import time
>>> @threads(4)
>>> def process_job():  # a simple function for testing only
>>>     return time.sleep(1)
>>> process_job()

anglerfish.ChainableFuture.then(on_success: Callable=None, on_fail: Callable=None)

Description: Make a Chainable concurrent.futures.Future that has a .then() api. This copies the JavaScript-like promises .then() api on Python 3. For deep technical theory please see For Python 3 Futures (JS-like promises) please see For simple human explanation this chains one Future with another Future. ChainableFuture is subclass of Future.


  • on_success a function to run when this Future success Ok,Callable type,Optional.
  • on_fail a function to run when this Future fails,Callable type,Optional.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: concurrent.futures object. A Future chained to current Future.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import ChainableFuture
>>> future1 = ChainableFuture()
>>> future2 = future1.then(lambda arg: arg + ' using ChainableFuture.then() !!!.')
>>> future1.set_result('This is an anglerfish.ChainableFuture demo')
>>> print(future1.result())  # Future 1 is Chained to Future 2.
This is an anglerfish.ChainableFuture demo
>>> print(future2.result())
This is an anglerfish.ChainableFuture demo using ChainableFuture.then() !!!.

@retry(tries: int=5, delay: int=3, backoff: int=2, timeout: int=None, silent: Bool=False, logger=None, exceptions=(Exception, ))

Description: Retry calling the decorated function using an exponential backoff and timeout.


  • tries how many times retry the operation, defaults to 5, integer type.
  • delay delay between executions, defaults to 3, integer type.
  • backoff an exponential backoff offset to apply to the delay, defaults to 2, integer type.
  • timeout a timeout for the whole execution or None, defaults to None.
  • silent a boolean True to be Silent when running the reties, defaults to False.
  • logger a working logger to log into or None to use print().
  • exceptions A Tuple of exceptions to fail to, defaults to (Exception, ), optional, tuple type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: Its a Decorator.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import retry
>>> @retry(4)
>>> def retry_job():  # a simple function for testing only
>>>     return open("").read()  # Will Fail as expected
>>> retry_job()

anglerfish.set_single_instance(name: str, port: int=8888)

Description: Set a single instance Lock based on Sockets and return socket.socket object or None.


  • name the name of your app to be used as Lock name,
  • port port number to be used when Unix Socket is not available, mostly on MS Windows, defaults to 8888, optional, integer type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: socket.socket object or None.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Untested

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import set_single_instance
>>> set_single_instance("MyApp")
<socket.socket fd=3, family=AddressFamily.AF_UNIX, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=b'\x00_myapp__lock'>

anglerfish.env2globals(pattern: str)

Description: Auto add ENV environtment variables starting with PY_ in upper case to python globals dict.

Arguments: pattern the pattern to select which variables to add, default to PY_

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: True if everything is Ok, bool type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Untested
Windows Untested

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import env2globals
>>> env2globals()

anglerfish.html2ebook(files: list, fyle: str=uuid4().hex + ".epub", meta={})

Description: Convert a folder with HTML5/CSS3 to eBook ePub. JavaScript does not Work on ePub. If you want a "Print Quality" or "Print-Ready" eBook just use a Print-friendly CSS.


  • files a tuple with the list of HTML/CSS files to add to the eBook.
  • fyle an output file path string, defaults to an uuid4 hexadecimal if not provided.

Keyword Arguments: meta contains a dict with:

  • title is the eBook Title (Fallbacks to Filename if not provided).
  • author is the eBook Author (Fallbacks to Username if not provided).
  • lang is the eBook Language (Fallbacks to English if not provided).
  • des is a friendly eBook Description (Fallbacks to Filename if not provided).
  • copi eBook CopyRights (Fallbacks to Creative Commons 'CC-BY-NC-SA v.4.0' if not provided).
  • pub the eBook Publisher (Fallbacks to 'Python' if not provided).
  • date Date and Time ISO format of eBook creation (Fallbacks to Current Date and Time if not provided).

Returns: a string with the file path of the new eBook file.

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import html2ebook
>>> html2ebook(("/mybook/html/index.html", "/mybook/html/chapter1.html"))

anglerfish.TemplatePython(template: str)

Description: TemplatePython is a tiny generic Template Engine that Render and Runs native Python code. Template syntax is similar to Django Templates and Mustache. Fastest way to run Python on HTML and Render the results. No Markup enforced, it can work with HTML/CSS/JS or any kind of Markup. Has built-in optional Minification for HTML. Notice this is a Class, not a Function. TemplatePython is subclass of str.


  • template a template string with native Python 3 code between tags, or a file-like object that supports .read().

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: a string with the Rendered HTML.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import TemplatePython
>>> demo = """<html><body>
     def say_hello(arg):
         {{"<tr> hello ", arg, " </tr>"}}
         {% [say_hello(i) for i in range(9) if i % 2] %}
     {% {{ testo }} {{ __doc__.title() }} %}
     {% # this is a python comment %}  </body></html>"""
>>> templar_template = TemplatePython(demo)
>>> print(templar_template(testo=9, mini=True))

anglerfish.path2import(pat: str, name: str=None, ignore_exceptions: bool=False, check_namespace: bool=True)

Description: Imports a Python module from a file path string. This is as best as it can be way to load a module from a file path string that I can find from the official Python Docs, for Python 3.5+ or higher. This has been created after having ImportError trying to use a 1 line module, that only contains __version__ = "1.0.0", not meant to replace the standard way of importing modules.


  • pat is the file path on disk from where to load a Python module from, mandatory. String type.
  • name is the Python module name, optional, will try to get it from the filename on the pat argument if omitted. String type.
  • ignore_exceptions optional, default to False, boolean type. Set to True will not raise any exceptions and return None if loading failed.
  • check_namespace optional, default to True, boolean type, will check if the name is already in globals() namespace, if it does, raises a NamespaceConflictError exception.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: object, a "live" Python module object ready for use at runtime.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import path2import
>>> my_module = path2import("/path/to/")

anglerfish.make_post_exec_msg(start_time: object=None, comment: str=None)

Description: Simple Post-Execution Message with information about RAM used by your app and execution Time. Can also display an arbitrary string ideal for Donation links, Social, etc. It will register itself to be executed at exit via atexit.register(). Its basically a Goodbye message.


  • start_time a datetime object, ideally should be
  • comment an arbitrary string ideal for Donation links, Social links, Bitcoin, etc. String type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: The formatted message, string type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import make_post_exec_msg
>>> make_post_exec_msg()
'Total Maximum RAM Memory used: 203 of 32080MegaBytes.\n'
watch str, callback: Callable=None, interval: int=60, backoff: int=1, timeout: int=None, repetitions: int=-1, silent: bool=False, logger: object=None)

Description: Watch a file path for changes run callback if modified. A WatchDog.


  • file_path an existent readable file path to watch for changes. String type.
  • callback a Callable callback function to execute when changes are detected. Callable type.
  • interval an integer number seconds of interval between chacks for changes. Integer type.
  • backoff an exponential backoff offset to apply to the interval, defaults to 1, integer type.
  • timeout a timeout for the whole execution or None, defaults to None.
  • repetitions how many times to check or run, -1 or 0 is infinite, defaults to -1, integer type.
  • silent a boolean True to be Silent while running, defaults to False.
  • logger a working logger to log into or None to use print().

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: Callable output if theres a callable, else the file path that changed.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import watch
>>> watch("/tmp/file.txt")

anglerfish.set_desktop_launcher(app: str, desktop_file_content: str, autostart: bool=False)

Description: Adds your app to autostart and/or launcher icon on the Desktop. According to XDG standard. Runs on Linux. Other platforms simply does nothing. Windows and Os X dont have a desktop launcher standard file. Windows only have *.lnk but thats meant to be an Internet-only shortcut.


  • app the name of your app. String type.
  • desktop_file_content the content of the launcher file. String type.
  • autostart True to add your app to auto-start on the desktop.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: the path of the newly created launcher. string type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Windows No API

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import set_desktop_launcher
>>> set_desktop_launcher("mysuperapp", "")

anglerfish.set_terminal_title(titlez: str="")

Description: Set or Reset Bash CLI Window Titlebar Title. According to XDG standard. Runs on Linux. Other platforms simply does nothing. For Windows, use title command to approach that. This uses a standard documented way to set title on each operating system, so if your Terminal app wont work fill a bug for them, not an Angler problem.


  • titlez the title for the terminal emulator window. Optional. String type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: titlez if the title has been set on the terminal emulator window or None. string type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Untested
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import set_terminal_title
>>> set_terminal_title("mysuperapp")

anglerfish.json2xml(json_obj: dict, line_padding: str="")

Description: Takes a JSON and returns an XML, optional custom line paddings.


  • json_obj the json data, dict type.
  • line_padding optional custom line paddings, string type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: XML, string type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import json2xml
>>> json2xml({"foo": 42, "bar": 666})
'<foo>\n    42\n</foo>\n<bar>\n    666\n</bar>'

anglerfish.make_json_flat(jsony: dict, delimiter: str="__")

Description: Takes a JSON and returns a JSON, but with Flatten out structure, from Nested to Flat, optional custom delimiter.


  • jsony the json data, dict type.
  • delimiter optional custom delimiter, string type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: JSON, a Flat JSON, dict type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

anglerfish.set_zip_comment(zip_path: str, comment: str="")

Description: Set a comment on a ZIP file, return a Boolean. ZIP file must be Valid.


  • zip_path ZIP file path string, str type.
  • comment Comment for the ZIP file, optional, defaults to empty string, string type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: True if Ok, bool type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import set_zip_comment
>>> set_zip_comment("", "This is a comment.")

anglerfish.get_zip_comment(zip_path: str)

Description: Get a comment metadata from a ZIP file, UTF-8 string type. ZIP file must be Valid.


  • zip_path ZIP file path string, str type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: UTF-8 Comment, string type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import get_zip_comment
>>> get_zip_comment("")
"This is a comment."


Description: Check if computer has a Battery, return Boolean.

Arguments: None.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: True if has Battery, bool type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Windows No API

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import has_battery
>>> has_battery()


Description: Check if computer is running on Battery, return Boolean.

Arguments: None.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: True if computer is running Battery, bool type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Windows No API

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import on_battery
>>> on_battery()


Description: Set Display monitor OFF, will Automatically turn ON when any Key or Mouse movement detected, return Boolean.

Arguments: None.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: True if Ok, bool type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows No API

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import set_display_off
>>> set_display_off()


Description: Test the Terminal True-Color. Prints 3 lines corresponding to Red, Green, Blue from darkest to brightest on the Terminal. Does not Log anything to logger.

Arguments: None.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: None.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows No API

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import make_test_terminal_color
>>> make_test_terminal_color()


Description: Get current public IP address as ipaddress.ip_address(). Can be IPv4 or IPv6. See Python standard lib official Docs for more info. ipaddress.ip_address() converted to string with str(ipaddress.ip_address()).

Arguments: None.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: Current public IP address, ipaddress.ip_address() type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import get_public_ip
>>> get_public_ip()


Description: Check if we got internet conectivity.

Arguments: None.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: True if Internet is working, bool type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import is_online
>>> is_online()

anglerfish.set_process_priority(nice=True, ionice=False)

Description: Set process I/O and CPU priority..


  • nice Use a smooth cpu priority, if your app dont need real-time using this will be good, defaults to True, optional, bool type.
  • ionice Use a smooth I/O priority, I/O Nice may delay I/O Operations, not recommended on user-facing GUI!, recomended leaving it as False!, unless you know what you are doing, defaults to False, optional, bool type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: True if its working, bool type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows No API

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import set_process_priority
>>> set_process_priority()


Description: Stealth Strings, hidden and dangerous. No information is lost, both ways, supports everything that UTF-8 supports. Makes invisible strings, a "stealth" string, you can pack lots of source code and they remain invisible hidden, or make screenshot-proof encryptions. String Unicode ⏩ ZLib Compress ⏩ Base64 ⏩ Binary ⏩ Stealth String


  • stringy A string to convert to Stealth, string type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: Stealth string, string type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import string2stealth
>>> string2stealth("test")


Description: Stealth Strings, hidden and dangerous. No information is lost, both ways, supports everything that UTF-8 supports. Makes invisible strings back to visible normal strings, a "normal" string, you can unpack back lots of source code to visible normal string, or undo screenshot-proof encryptions. Stealth String ⏩ Binary ⏩ Base64 ⏩ ZLib DeCompress ⏩ String Unicode


  • stringy A string to convert to Stealth, string type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: Stealth string, string type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import stealth2string
>>> stealth2string("")


Description: Return a random pastel color, can be Dark or Light, as string, takes no arguments.

Arguments: None.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: Random pastel color, string type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import get_random_pastel_color
>>> get_random_pastel_color()


Description: Return a random pastel color, only Dark colors, as string, takes no arguments.

Arguments: None.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: Random pastel color, string type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import get_random_pasteldark_color
>>> get_random_pasteldark_color()


Description: Return a random pastel color, only Light colors, as string, takes no arguments.

Arguments: None.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: Random pastel color, string type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import get_random_pastelight_color
>>> get_random_pastelight_color()


Description: Return a random open source free handwriting font family name, all fonts are available from online CDN, font names are keep Case-Sensitive, font families have been tested on HTML/CSS with one each other, they look pretty good on all combinations, we are Not Designers, but this is useful for quick templating and boilerplate styling, too extreme weird font designs are not included, is a one-by-one curated list, from Design point of view this fonts are good for Titles/SubTitles/big text, as string, takes no arguments.

Arguments: None.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: Random open source free font family name, string type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import get_random_handwriting_font
>>> get_random_handwriting_font()


Description: Return a random open source free Monospaced font family name, all fonts are available from online CDN, font names are keep Case-Sensitive, font families have been tested on HTML/CSS with one each other, they look pretty good on all combinations, we are Not Designers, but this is useful for quick templating and boilerplate styling, too extreme weird font designs are not included, is a one-by-one curated list, the names of this fonts contain spaces , from Design point of view this fonts are good for source code text, as string, takes no arguments.

Arguments: None.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: Random open source free font family name, string type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import get_random_mono_font
>>> get_random_mono_font()
'Oxygen Mono'


Description: Return a random open source free decorative display cosmetic font family name, all fonts are available from online CDN, font names are keep Case-Sensitive, font families have been tested on HTML/CSS with one each other, they look pretty good on all combinations, we are Not Designers, but this is useful for quick templating and boilerplate styling, too extreme weird font designs are not included, is a one-by-one curated list, from Design point of view this fonts are good "for Fun", as string, takes no arguments.

Arguments: None.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: Random open source free font family name, string type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import get_random_display_font
>>> get_random_display_font()


Description: Return a random open source free Sans-Serif font family name, all fonts are available from online CDN, font names are keep Case-Sensitive, font families have been tested on HTML/CSS with one each other, they look pretty good on all combinations, we are Not Designers, but this is useful for quick templating and boilerplate styling, too extreme weird font designs are not included, is a one-by-one curated list, from Design point of view this fonts are good for serious stuff and formal text, as string, takes no arguments.

Arguments: None.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: Random open source free font family name, string type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import get_random_sans_font
>>> get_random_sans_font()


Description: Return a random open source free Serif font family name, all fonts are available from online CDN, font names are keep Case-Sensitive, font families have been tested on HTML/CSS with one each other, they look pretty good on all combinations, we are Not Designers, but this is useful for quick templating and boilerplate styling, too extreme weird font designs are not included, is a one-by-one curated list, from Design point of view this fonts are good for serious stuff and formal text, as string, takes no arguments.

Arguments: None.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: Random open source free font family name, string type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import get_random_serif_font
>>> get_random_serif_font()


Description: Return a random open source free font family name, all fonts are available from online CDN, font names are keep Case-Sensitive, font families have been tested on HTML/CSS with one each other, they look pretty good on all combinations, we are Not Designers, but this is useful for quick templating and boilerplate styling, too extreme weird font designs are not included, is a one-by-one curated list, from Design point of view this fonts are good for generic multipurpose text, internally this function calls all other font functions and then choose 1 at random, this function calls anglerfish.get_random_sans_font() and anglerfish.get_random_serif_font() and anglerfish.get_random_mono_font() and anglerfish.get_random_handwriting_font() and anglerfish.get_random_display_font(). return a string, takes no arguments.

Arguments: None.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: Random open source free font family name, string type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import get_random_font
>>> get_random_font()
  • anglerfish.DataURI
  • anglerfish.DataURI.make(mimetype: str, base64: str, data: bytes)
  • anglerfish.DataURI.from_file(filename: str, base64: bool=True, webp: bool=True)
  • anglerfish.DataURI.from_url(url: str, base64: bool=True, webp: bool=True)
  • anglerfish.DataURI.wrap(width: int=80, newline: str="\n")

Description: Return a Data URI Base64 URL-Safe UTF-8 string, from URL, or file, or string, with WebP Support, designed for HTML/CSS/JS and Images. WebP cwebp needs to be installed for WebP capability. If WebP cwebp is not installed images will be JPG. anglerfish.DataURI.wrap() uses textwrap.wrap() to wrap. anglerfish.DataURI.make() makes a Data URI from args. anglerfish.DataURI.from_file() pass args to anglerfish.DataURI.make(). anglerfish.DataURI.from_url() pass args to anglerfish.DataURI.from_file(). DataURI is subclass of str.

Arguments: None. Uses methods to build the Data URI.

Keyword Arguments: None. Uses methods to build the Data URI.

Returns: Data URI Base64 URL-Safe UTF-8, string type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import DataURI
>>> uri = DataURI('data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,VGhlIHF1aWNrIGJyb3duIGZveCBqdW1wZWQgb3ZlciB0aGUgbGF6eSBkb2cu')
>>> uri.mimetype
>>> uri.charset
>>> uri.is_base64
'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.'
>>> uri = DataURI.make('text/plain', base64=True, data='This is a message.')
>>> uri
'This is a message.'
>>> uri = DataURI.from_file('image.png', webp=False)
>>> uri.mimetype
>>> uri = DataURI.from_url('')  # webp=False to Disable WebP
>>> uri
>>> print(uri)
>>> isinstance(uri, str)

anglerfish.img2webp(image_path: str, webp_path: str=None, preset: str="text")

Description: Convert *.png, *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.tiff Images to WebP *.webp. anglerfish.DataURI() internally uses anglerfish.img2webp() for conversions.


  • image_path: Full path string to input *.png, *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.tiff image, if image is not *.png, *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.tiff then the same image format and filename is returned, if not WebP cwebp installed then the same image format and filename is returned, WebP cwebp is autodetected using shutil.which("cwebp"), required, string type.
  • webp_path: Full path string to output *.webp image or None, if None then image_path + ".webp" will be used, path to output image should end with extension *.webp, optional, string type.
  • preset: Preset name string for conversion, which is 1 of default photo picture drawing icon text, if not in default photo picture drawing icon text then text will be used, optional, string type.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: Full path string to output *.webp image, string type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import img2webp
>>> img2webp("test.jpg")

anglerfish.get_human_datetime(date_time: datetime.datetime=None)

Description: Get a Human string ISO-8601 representation of datetime.datetime with UTC info. Other solutions I found on the internet needs importing 'time' this one dont. ISO-8601 standard: Its permitted to omit the 'T' character by mutual agreement. Internally is a shortcut to:" ")


  • date_time: A datetime.datetime object, optional, if omitted an UTC-aware will be used.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: Human friendly ISO-8601 date, time and UTC info string, string type.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> from anglerfish import get_human_datetime
>>> get_human_datetime()
"2017-03-10 18:08:03-03:00"

anglerfish.Sync2Async.run_async(sync_code) anglerfish.Sync2Async.run_async_on_process(sync_code) anglerfish.Sync2Async.run_async_on_thread(sync_code) anglerfish.Sync2Async.get_event_loop()

Description: Run synchronous code as asynchronous. Forces any module NOT compatible with asyncio to run Ok with asyncio. Use synchronous blocking modules seamlessly on asynchronous code. This is NOT to run async code as synchronous. You can use this to skip re-writing your modules for asynchronous programming. This can also be used on Angler modules itself to run them as async. Please read Pythons asyncio official Documentation for more info. run_async_on_process() runs the code as async on a separate Process. run_async_on_thread() runs the code as async on a separate Thread. get_event_loop() returns the current actual event loop in use, takes no arguments. get_event_loop() is similar to asyncio.get_event_loop()


  • sync_code: A Callable object, a function or method or whatever callable, anything that you want to run on an async code context, it acts as an auto-wrapper to run your sync code as async.

Keyword Arguments: None.

Returns: Returns whatever the passed argument callable should return, but it await a Future result.

Source Code file:

State OS Description
Linux Works Ok
Os X Works Ok
Windows Works Ok

Usage Example:

>>> import asyncio, time
>>> from anglerfish import Sync2Async
>>> def blocking_function():  # This is any common normal blocking function.
>>>     print("Executing Synchronous Blocking code 'time.sleep(1)' as Async!.")
>>>     return time.sleep(1)  # Can be any for, open, with, slow operation, etc.
>>> async def async_function(sync_code):
>>>     return await Sync2Async.run_async(sync_code)
>>> async def async_on_process(sync_code):
>>>     return await Sync2Async.run_async_on_process(sync_code)
>>> async def async_on_thread(sync_code):
>>>     return await Sync2Async.run_async_on_thread(sync_code)
>>> async_tasks = (asyncio.ensure_future(async_function(blocking_function)),
>>>                asyncio.ensure_future(async_on_process(blocking_function)),
>>>                asyncio.ensure_future(async_on_thread(blocking_function)))
>>> asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(async_tasks))
"Executing Synchronous Blocking code 'time.sleep(1)' as Async!."
"Executing Synchronous Blocking code 'time.sleep(1)' as Async!."
"Executing Synchronous Blocking code 'time.sleep(1)' as Async!."

Install permanently on the system:

pip install anglerfish
  • Use sudo pip install anglerfish for installing System-wide.
  • Use python3 examples/ to run an example of all the functionalities.
  • This project is oriented to Developers, NOT end-users.
  • Feel free to contact us if you need help integrating Angler on your project.


  • Too much repeated code across my projects, almost all of them doing tha same.
  • Look into other alternatives like Boltons but they dont solve or improve anything.
  • Lots of functionalities on Angler are a "Must Have" for modern Apps, like a Logger, etc.
  • No Dependencies at all, just Python 3 standard library, cross-platform.
  • Easy to use, KISS philosophy.


Config Helper ?

More must have helpers

All these tiny generic awesome helpers, utilities, etc only require Python standard lib.

Coding Style Guide:

  • Lint, PEP-8, PEP-257, PyLama, iSort must Pass Ok. pip install --upgrade pep8 pep257 pylama isort pytest
  • If there are any kind of tests, they must pass. No tests is also acceptable, but having tests is better.

Name convention

  • For names we use: get_*, set_*, check_*, make_*, is_*, has_* and *2*.


  • Tests use PyTest. Pull requests to improve tests are welcome.
pytest tests/



  • Please Star this Repo on Github !, it helps to show up faster on searchs.
  • Help and more Help and Interactive Quick Git Tutorial.


Ethics and Humanism Policy:

  • Politics and Religions is not allowed.
  • This project has Feminism Ally conduct.


Simple Multipurpose Helper Utility Library for Python3 Apps.







No packages published