Releases: QuailTeam/iQuail
Releases · QuailTeam/iQuail
Beta 2.0
Self updating launcher & hotfix
New self updating launcher: if you upload a solution with a quail binary named "iquail.update.exe" it will replace the current launcher automatically.
Beta 1
1.5 release
Alpha release
Here is a list of the new features:
- "Force update" is now a configurable option
- Scriptable GUI and frame mechanism to make new frames custom easily
- Configuration mechanism
- pip package
- package renamed iquail
- Error reporting
- Error management:
-- If there is no internet during update, ask to run anyway
-- If there no permission to remove (eq: program running) don't remove anything and ask user to close the program
Update feature, Github solutions, and reworked user interface
First release!
1.0 ui exit_install