A Go library for parsing and processing Cyber Record files.
go build -o cyber_record_parser ./cmd
Move the binary to a location in your PATH.
mv cyber_record_parser /usr/local/bin
# help
cyber_record_parser -h
# info cmd
cyber_record_parser info <file>
# echo cmd
cyber_record_parser echo <file> -t/--topic <topic>
Pause and resume echo cmd with
key.Exit echo cmd with
cyber_record_parser info /path/to/file
Cyber Record information:
- Record file path sensor_rgb.record
- Version 1.0
- Size 7.6 GB
- Compression COMPRESS_NONE
- Chunk raw size 210 MB
- Chunk interval 20s
- Start time 2018-01-03 19:37:30 +0800 CST
- End time 2018-01-03 19:38:31 +0800 CST
- Duration 1m1s
- Message number 43820
- Channel number 14
- Is complete true
Channels information:
Channel name | Count | Type
/apollo/canbus/chassis | 5851 | apollo.canbus.Chassis
/apollo/localization/pose | 5856 | apollo.localization.LocalizationEstimate
/apollo/sensor/camera/traffic/image_long | 471 | apollo.drivers.Image
/apollo/sensor/camera/traffic/image_short | 469 | apollo.drivers.Image
/apollo/sensor/conti_radar | 789 | apollo.drivers.ContiRadar
/apollo/sensor/gnss/best_pose | 59 | apollo.drivers.gnss.GnssBestPose
/apollo/sensor/gnss/imu | 11630 | apollo.drivers.gnss.Imu
/apollo/sensor/gnss/ins_stat | 118 | apollo.drivers.gnss.InsStat
/apollo/sensor/gnss/odometry | 5848 | apollo.localization.Gps
/apollo/sensor/gnss/rtk_eph | 49 | apollo.drivers.gnss.GnssEphemeris
/apollo/sensor/gnss/rtk_obs | 352 | apollo.drivers.gnss.EpochObservation
/apollo/sensor/velodyne64/compensator/PointCloud2 | 587 | apollo.drivers.PointCloud
/tf | 11740 | apollo.transform.TransformStampeds
/tf_static | 1 | apollo.transform.TransformStampeds
cyber_record_parser echo /path/to/file -t <topic>
Channel name: /asensing_rtk570/raw_rtk_can
Time nanosecond: 1733119089389686437
Time: 2024-12-02 13:58:09
cyber_record_parser tojson /path/to/file -t <topic> -o <output_file>
Save topic (/asensing_rtk570/raw_rtk_can) messages to /tmp/test.json
package main
import (
func main() {
r := record.NewRecord("/path/to/file")
defer r.Close()
for msg := range r.ReadMessages() {
fmt.Printf("Channel: %s\n", msg.ChannelName)
fmt.Printf("Timestamp: %d\n", msg.NanoTimestamp)
fmt.Printf("Content: %s\n", string(msg.Content))
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.