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Getting started

1. Download repository

git clone [email protected]:TheoreticalEcosystemEcology/STModel-Data.git
cd STModel-Data

2. Install R dependencies

Rscript install_dependencies.r

Note for mac users: this may fail if pg_config is not in your path. If so, you need to install psql first. This is easiest with macports:

sudo port install postgresql93
sudo ln -s /opt/local/lib/postgresql93/bin/* /opt/local/bin
Rscript install_dependencies.r

3. Get all datasets

make -j all

If you want to get the data and you are not at UQAR or connected by wired, please follow this procedure:

  1. Modify con_quicc_db.r to:

dbname <- "db_quicc_for"
dbhost <- ""
dbport <- 55432
  1. Open the VPN tunnel:

    • Open the web page:
    • Login with your UQAR account (e.g. viss0001 is my username)
    • Click on the icon «BD PostgreSQL SRBD04».
    • The tunnel to the QUICCFOR DB is open.
  2. Run make -j all

Alternatively: Retrieve dataset separately

Get only tree data: make treeData

Get only climatic data: make climData

Get only plot info data: make plotInfoData

Get only STM past-climate grid input (1970-2000): make STMClimate_grid Use to run STM on the past-climate

Get only SDM past-climate grid input (1970-2000): make SDMClimate_grid Used to project SDM

Retrieve shapefile of the study area (Lakes and boundaries): make SHP_area

Plots distribution



Reshaping script

The reshape script comes in two parts, the first, reshape/reshapeStates.r computes the states, and the second, reshape/reshapeTransitions.r computes transitions between states. In general, use the makefile, either with make -j all or make -j reshape to run the scripts (which will use default options). The most important option, setting the threshold basal area for the R state, can be changed by editing the variable at the beginning of the makefile. To see other options and change them, run the scripts using Rscript. Start with:

Rscript reshape/reshapeStates.r --help
Rscript reshape/reshapeTransitions.r --help

to get information on the options. There is an additional script, reshape/reshapeClimTest.r, that does some testing. See its help for more information. Finally, note that the file reshape/tmpStateData_r$N.rdata, where $N is the cutoff for the R state, is a temporary file that should not be used. The correct output file, assuming default options, is out_files/transitions_r$N.rdata.


  • threshold basal area for determining the R state: 1 (change in makefile or with -r option)
  • climate variables for transitions: annual mean temperature, annual precipitation
  • output file: transitions_r1.rdata, where the number will be the r threshold

A rough outline of what the script does:

  • Read coarse data from the treeData.csv, plotInfoData.csv, and climData.csv files produced by the sql queries.
  • Collapse the tree data into a single state for each year sampled in each plot, using species lists specified in the script.
  • Merge the collapsed data with the plotInfoData (to get lat/long)
  • Merge this with the climate data into stateData. This is a dataframe with one row for each unique plot-year combination. This will output warnings if there are missing records in the climate or state data; do not ignore these warnings!
  • Output some basic summary statistics on the states
  • reshapes the sample data into a transition data frame, containing columns for the measurement years, the states, and the mean of the 2 climate variables
  • drop all rows from both the transition and state objects containing a U state
  • scale the climate variables in the transition data frame
  • print the transition table to the console
  • save the state and the transition objects, and the transformation for the climate variables, into a single .rdata file


Column Description
plot_id Unique id of the plot
longitude longitude of the plot (degree decimal)
latitude latitude of the plot (degree decimal)
srid Spatial Reference System Identifier. All plots have a srid code corresponding to the datum: WGS84 (see here).


Column Description
plot_id Unique id of the plot
year_measured year of the measurement
id_spe Species code, details are available in ./stm_code_species.csv file
basal area basal area of the species in m²/ha


Column Description
plot_id Unique id of the plot
year_measured year of the measurement
mean_diurnal_range Avg of monthly temperature ranges
isothermality mean_diurnal_range ÷ temp_annual_range
temp_seasonality Standard deviation of monthly-mean temperature estimates expressed as a percent of their mean
max_temp_warmest_period Highest monthly maximum temperature
min_temp_coldest_period Lowest monthly minimum temperature
temp_annual_range max_temp_warmest_period – min_temp_coldest_period
mean_temperatre_wettest_quarter Avg temperature during 3 wettest months
mean_temp_driest_quarter Avg temperature during 3 driest months
mean_temp_warmest_quarter Avg temperature during 3 warmest months
mean_temp_coldest_quarter Avg temperature during 3 coldest months
annual_pp Sum of monthly precipitation values
pp_wettest_period Precipitation of the wettest month
pp_driest_period Precipitation of the driest month
pp_seasonality Standard deviation of the monthly precipitation estimates expressed as a percent of their mean
pp_wettest_quarter Total precipitation of 3 wettest months
pp_driest_quarter Total precipitation of 3 driest months
pp_warmest_quarter Total precipitation of 3 warmest months
pp_coldest_quarter Total precipitation of 3 coldest months
julian_day_number_start_growing_season Julian day number at start of growing season
julian_day_number_at_end_growing_season Julian day number at end of growing season
number_days_growing_season Length of growing season (days)
total_pp_for_period_1 Total precipitation 3 weeks prior to growing season
total_pp_for_period_3 Total precipitation during the growing season
gdd_above_base_temp_for_period_3 Degree days (above 5ºC) for growing season Variable
annual_mean_temp Avg of mean monthly temperatures
annual_min_temp Avg of min monthly temperatures
annual_max_temp Avg of max monthly temperatures
mean_temp_for_period_3 Average temperature during growing season
temp_range_for_period_3 Highest maximum temperature minus lowest minimum temperature during growing

Further details here


Column Description
x x coordinate of the cell (longitude). i.e. x = 0 corresponds to min(longitude)
y y coordinate of the cell (latitude). i.e. y = 0 corresponds to min(latitude)
year year of the climate measurement. In the sql query, year column equal to 0 because the climate has been aggregated temporarily.
env1 average of the mean temperature (°C) between 1970-2000.
env2 average of the annual precipitation (meters) between 1970-2000.

Code description


Code Species
18032-ABI-BAL Balsam fir
18034-PIC-RUB Red spruce
19408-QUE-RUB Red oak
19462-FAG-GRA American beech
19466-ALN-NA Saule
19481-BET-ALL Yellow birch
19489-BET-PAP White
19511-OST-VIR Ironwood
21536-TIL-AME Basswood
22453-POP-BAL Balsam poplar
22463-POP-GRA Large tooth
24764-PRU-SER Black cherry
24799-PRU-PEN Pin cherry
25319-SOR-AME American mountain-ash
28728-ACE-RUB Red maple
28731-ACE-SAC Sugar maple
32931-FRA-AME White ash
32945-FRA-NIG Black ash
183295-PIC-GLA White spruce
183302-PIC-MAR Black spruce
183319-PIN-BAN jack pine
183412-LAR-LAR Tamarack
195773-POP-TRE Trembling aspen

Soils codes

Code Soil type
1 Acrisols
2 Albeluvisols
3 Alisols
4 Andosols
5 Anthrosols
6 Arenosols
7 Calcisols
8 Cambisols
9 Chernozems
10 Cryosols
11 Durisols
12 Ferralsols
13 Fluvisols
14 Gleysols
15 Gypsisols
16 Histosols
17 Kastanozems
18 Leptosols
19 Lixisols
20 Luvisols
21 Nitisols
22 Phaeozems
23 Planosols
24 Plinthosols
25 Podzols
27 Regosols
28 Solonchaks
29 Solonetz
30 Stagnosols
31 Umbrisols
32 Vertisols


STM data from QUICC-FOR database - 4 and 2 States version






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