We almost follow Micro-Manager wiki.
We tested on Matlab(2017b, 2020) and Micro-Manager 2.0(20240513), but should work on other version.
- Install Micro-Manager and Andor Driver(just for andor camera) in same folder
- Add all MM jar files into Matlab classpath.txt by running:
cd C:\Program Files\Micro-Manager-2.0
- Run
edit librarypath.txt
in Matlab command prompt. Append the location of the dll filesC:/Program Files/Micro-Manager-2.0
in opening file. - Add the location of the dll files to the system path. This is not required
for all device drivers but is required to access the Andor driver. For example,
C:\Program Files\Micro-Manager-2.0
to system environmentPATH
- Restart Matlab and computer(I don't know whether it is required to refresh System environment)
- Test with simple code:
>> import mmcorej.*;
>> mmc = CMMCore;
>> mmc.load('C:\user\qblab\documents\MMConfig_Ti.cfg')
We once troubled to load Andor driver:
Typically, in this case, Micro-Manager fail to find other Andor dll files inside current Matlab working directory. If you just change current working directory to Micro-Manager installation directory, Andor driver could be loaded normally. For permanent setting, you should check step 4.
If camera set to 16 bit, mmc.getImage()
will returen a 1D array of signed
integers in row-major order in Matlab, we must interpreted it as unsigned integers.
>> mmc.snapImage();
>> img = mmc.getImage(); % returned as a 1D array of signed integers in row-major order
>> width = mmc.getImageWidth();
>> height = mmc.getImageHeight();
>> if mmc.getBytesPerPixel == 2
pixelType = 'uint16';
pixelType = 'uint8';
>> img = typecast(img, pixelType); % pixels must be interpreted as unsigned integers
>> img = reshape(img, [width, height]); % image should be interpreted as a 2D array
>> img = transpose(img); % make column-major order for MATLAB
>> imshow(img);