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ClientCaster API

Pyseph edited this page Feb 8, 2021 · 17 revisions


[Read-Only] RaycastParams RaycastParams

Returns the ClientCaster's set RaycastParams.

Returns whether the ClientCaster object has debug mode enabled, visualizing the ClientCaster's rays.

Returns the object that the ClientCaster is raycasting from.

Returns the current Player who is the owner of the caster, or nil in case of the server. The owner calculates intersections, and as such it's recommended to have the client calculate it to have less of a burden on the server.


[Yielding] Number GetPing()

If the ClientCaster object has a set Owner, it will return the ping of that player by calculating delay between client-server. NOTE This is a yielding function, and it will yield until it get's the players ping.

Void SetMaxPingExhaustion(Number Time)

Determines how long the ClientCaster:GetPing() method can yield for before resuming, to protect against potential exploiting. Default exhaustion time is 1.

Number GetMaxPingExhaustion()

Returns how long the ClientCaster:GetPing() method can yield before resuming.

Void Debug(Boolean Bool)

Toggles debug mode of this ClientCaster. This feature is light-weight but is not nonetheless not recommended for in-game use.

Void Destroy()

Destroys this ClientCaster object, efficiently cleaning up what's left using a Maid.

Void Start()

Starts this ClientCaster object, starting to raycast for the hit detection.

Void Stop()

Stops this ClientCaster object, stopping raycasts for hit detection.

Void SetOwner(Player NewOwner)

Sets the given Player as owner for this caster object. When NewOwner is nil, the server will be the owner instead of a Player.

Void GetOwner()

Returns the current Player who is the owner of the caster, or nil in case of the server. The owner calculates intersections, and as such it's recommended to have the client calculate it to have less of a burden on the server.

Void EditRaycastParams(RaycastParams RaycastParameters)

Updates the ClientCaster's RaycastParams property.

BasePart GetObject()

Returns the object this ClientCaster is raycasting from.

Void SetObject(BasePart Object)

Sets this ClientCaster's object which it will raycast from to Object.


Fires whenever any object intersects any one of the ClientCaster's rays.

Signal HumanoidCollided(RaycastResult, Humanoid)

Fires whenever any of the ClientCaster's rays intersect with an object, whose parent has a Humanoid object.

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