Basalt v1.6.3
Some improvements and fixes:
- added tons of animations
- added a :addMode() method for animations
- added a feature for labels (when its a multiline label) when resizing the frame the label text also changes
- Changed the backend for programs
- added a :setEnviroment() method for programs
- added 2 new events for programs: onError() and :onDone()
- added a :onHover() and :onLeave() event for all objects (only available for craftos-pc)
- added a :onRelease() event - check the docs
- Mouse events now sending the relative coordinates instead of absolute coordinates
- Improved the draw performance - especially faster for something like bimg images.
- Added a system for dragging objects, now i'm skipping some drag events instead of using literally all of them, which makes it for example much faster to drag a window on bigger screen-sizes. You can change this behaviour by using basalt.setMouseDragThrottle(amount) - default is 50
- Split the onKey event into :onKey() and :onChar() (before both events happend in :onKey())
- Fixed a bug in Input when using . or - while the input is number-type
- Fixed a bug in textfields when using editLine or addLine the colors won't get updated
- Fixed a bug when using :setFocus() - the focussystem should work fine now
- Fixed a bug when using :removeFocusedObject
- Fixed a bug with :getScrollAmount returning the wrong number