simple pong game in python the idea is to create a simple game but to focus on making it very well, with a lot of feature (see the big todo list) and the best UI/UX i can.
- sounds
- mouse support (maybe)
- animations (maybe)
- pause screen
- improve assests (checkout on maybe)
- make the ball a circle (not a square wtf)
- the score system
- fix score timer in pause
- highscore save system (json ?)
- timer before ball start moving
- powerups (separate action and the actual thing that falls off)
- fix ball double brick collision
- fix ball sideways paddle collision
- brick auto spacing (already good but can be improved)
- makes labels updatable (fix score always zero)
- bindings
- game speed
- sound volume
- paddle size
- multiple balls
- hard (no powerup, little paddle, fast ball)
- normal (idk it's hard to balence)
- noob (lots of powerup, big paddle, slow ball)
- background image
- difficultie selection
- button play
- button exit
- high score (saving data)
manu hehehe
- score
- highscore
- replay button
- menu button
- score
- high score
- time
- transparent background
- timer befor the ball moves
- back to game button
- score
- quit to mainmenu