Proxyman 4.0.0: The first build of 2023. Let's rock it 🎸
Advanced Option in Preference to listen on localhost ( instead of
Show Proxy Info Popover (IP, Port, and Loopback) when clicking on the Status View.
Introduce ProxymanSessionv2, which is small in size and less time to export.
[Helper Tool] Add some DNS domains into the HTTP ByPass List when overriding the proxy. It fixes the DNS Over HTTPS issue on macOS 13.2 or later.
Better UI/UX for the Websocket Previewer: Sort by time, hide the Ping/Pong Messages
[Scripting] Advance Button to reset the Shared State.
Detect the missing private key and let the user know to reinstall the certificate.
Fixed: Content-type (application/JSON) request shows as binary data
Fixed: Saving session takes too much memory
Fixed: Memory leak when exporting the data
Fixed: Could not Install Certificate for iOS. CLI returns with an error code.
Fixed: Code Generator selects the wrong tab.
Fixed: Could not generate dynamic certificates if the private key is missing.
Fixed: Import ProxymanSession file accidentally modifies the Saved Folder.
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