Xena Mansoura, Kyoungho Ryu, Tessa Rosenberger, Theresa Lincheck, Girish Nigamanth Raghunathan
- What does the organization and structure of the shallow cumulus field look like in LASSO simulations on April 4, 2019?
- How does this organization and structure of shallow cu differ from observations on April 4th, 2019?
- How does near surface moisture influence evolution of shallow cumulus?
A successful project will identify trends between cloud organization and evolution of shallow cumulus clouds over the Southern Great Plains.
- The scale of large scale forcing that will yield results closest to observations, depends on the date - there is no "one-size fits all" scale size.
- Increased surface moisture will cause earlier timing of shallow cumulus creation and deeper clouds (looking at observations on LASSO case dates)
LASSO SGP April 4th 2019 ARM observational data sets