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Engelbert edited this page Jan 8, 2015 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Project-Pier Development Wiki

Project-Pier is an Open Source project, therefore it is possible for each and everyone to become a contributor.

The documentation here is meant to be independent of particular versions of the software and more generic about contributing code to the project as a whole.

Quick Start

The best way to get involved with the development is to check out the most recent code, modify it to work the way you'd like it to work, then commit your changes to GitHub, so the developers can review and pull in your changes.

Things to Remember when Modifying Code

Try to keep your commits small! A commit for "Order the list of company users alphabetically." is probably going to be easier to merge in than a commit for "Re-arranging a slew of things in the UI". Try to keep your commits to the point. If you want to re-format the code to conform to the coding standard, and also make changes to the functionality, do two separate commits - one in which you can make the cosmetic change to the code, another in which you change the functionality. If you're changing the UI, your changes should probably mostly be contained to the theme. It will be easier to convince the lead developer to add those few functions your theme needs than it will be to convince them to change the whole UI. Check out the kampPro2 repo for an example of how to do that.

Peripheral Information

If you don't already have one, get an account on (you'll need this for the forums).

You can also enable the contributor links block for a handy tool. If you are not interested in contributing to the code base, look at the other ways on contributing to the project.

Check out the issue tracker for 🐛 bugs, tasks, feature requests and see if you can help.

Also, if you've found a bug please read the bug submission guidelines.

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