This repo will give the user everything they need to configure their HackRF One to communicate with their existing CDP network.
Additional information can be found at
Download and install Ubuntu 20.04.5x
A useful tutorial can be found here
Run the following commands in terminal
sudo apt update
sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] focal stable"
apt-cache policy docker-ce
sudo apt install docker-ce
Enter the following commands
sudo systemctl status docker
The following prompt should appear
sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
su - ${USER}
docker ps -a
Your current images should appear
Download the Dockerfile and provided above then enter the following commands
docker build -t reponame/imagename - < Dockerfile
This will build a docker image under the repository ‘reponame’ and the image ‘imagename’ based on the Dockerfile provided or made.
docker images
You should see the repo name, image ID, size, and when it was created.
Edit “quackcomms/lora” in the to be reponame/imagename and save the file
Plug in HackRF and run the included “rundocker” file
sudo sh
Open GNU Radio using the following command
Click the "File" drop down located in the top left of the window.
Open Apps lora_receive_realtime.grc
Press "Generate” then “Run”.
Open the terminal to see the message receiving output
Turn on DuckLink and connect to it on your phone.
Send a message through the DuckLink that you should see received on the terminal.
The following steps are adapted from the installation steps mentioned in Tapparelj's Tutorial (
Enter the following commands in terminal The conda environment used to develop this module is described by the environment.yml file.
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Go to the cloned repository
cd gr-lora_sdr/
- A functionning environment with all dependencies can be installed with conda.
You can follow this tutorial or simply following:
- First download the latest release of conda, for example:
- Now run the downloaded file which is the Anaconda Installer script
- And reload the Shell
source ~/.bashrc
- Now copy our environment to install all the dependencies of the module automatically. Note that it will take quite some time (~20 min).
conda env create -f environment.yml
- Start the conda environment GNU Radio 3.10 you just created
conda activate gr310
- First download the latest release of conda, for example:
- To build the code, create an appropriate folder and go in it:
mkdir build cd build
- Run the main CMakeLists.txt
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<your prefix> # default to usr/local, CONDA_PREFIX or PYBOMB_PREFIX if no install prefix selected here
- Finally compile the custom GNU Radio blocks composing the LoRa transceiver. Replacing <X> with the number of core you want to use to speed up the compilation.
(sudo) make install -j<X>
- if you installed as sudo run
sudo ldconfig
- Now you should be able to run some codes. For example, open the GNU Radio Companion user interface and check if the blocks of gr-lora_sdr are available on the blocks list (e.g. under LoRa_TX).
gnuradio-companion &
- A final verification of the transceiver functionning can be made by executing the following script, transmitting a frame every two seconds:
python3 examples/
Using lora_TX.grc
and lora_RX.grc
you can now transmit and recieve information to/from your ducks.