Senior Android Engineer @ My business By STC - Saudi for Telecommunications
Senior Android Engineer @ Smiles from Etisalat - United Arab Emirates
Android Team Lead @ Talab Station
Android Track Mentor @ Andela in Google Africa Scholarships
Android Track Mentor @ One Million Arab Coders Initiative
Holder of Master degree from Faculty of Computers and Information, Fayoum University
Published +15 apps on google play store
Worked on +150 project on Github
Articles Published:
Fuel Consumption Prediction Model using Machine Learning
const mo_atef= {
programming languages: [See Sharp C#, Visual Basic, Java, Kotlin, Dart, Python, PhP, Asp.Net, html, css],
tools: [Android Studio, Flutter Plugin, Php Storm, Visual Studio Code, Xampp, MSSql Server, Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, 2013 & 2015],
architecture: ["MVVM", "MVC", "MVP"],
techCommunities: {
mentor: "Andela",
mentor: "1MACs"
Hackathons: "I had joined Hajj Hackathon on Aug 2018, the most attended Software Engineering competition in the history in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia"
Important Projects for Android Profile:
A) Unit Testing 1 and Unit Testing 2
C) Android Codelab for Kotlin Coroutines
D) Hilt lib as an Android automated Dependency Injection library
E) Advanced Kotlin Coroutines with Kotlin Flow and LiveData
F) Advanced Kotlin Nanodegree - Trivia Project
G) Advanced Kotlin Nanodegree - App Architecture MVVM
H) Weather Search App - MVVM, Retrofit, and Kotlin
I) Google Maps|Driver|Passenger - MVVM, Retrofit, ROOM
J) Asteroids Radar Kotlin - MVVM, Retrofit, ROOM
K) Dagger2 Lib for Dependency Injection
L) Kotlin Coroutines - Flow - StateFlow
M) Kotlin Testing | Unit - Instrumented (Espresso|Mockito) - Basics and Architecture Components
I love getting the experience from everyone so if you want to say hi, I'll be so glad! and i cannot stop you :)