Traffic collisions in India are a major source of deaths, injuries and property damage every year. Life of an accident victim can be saved by administering timely medical aid. The 'GOLDEN HOUR', the first hour after the trauma is called the 'golden hour' Instant and proper first aid given to road accident victims during this hour increases the chance of survival manifold and reduce the severity of injuries. Many deaths and impact of injuries can be prevented with First Aid if casualties are treated immediately.
A module is integrated in the helmet. The module is used to detect the impact by the following cases One is the piezoelectric plates which calculates the change in the pressure which ensures that there is some impact. Another one is the gyro which senses the angular velocity that gives us the sudden change in the rotation again that ensures that there is some accident. If the impact is detected and it is beyond the threshold limit then the GSM will send the required data as a SOS.
The next gen prototype will be completely fabricated inside the helmet. Will replace the current microprocessor to lily so that it can be placed enoughly inside the helmet with respect to the space. It will be internet enabled to increase our accuracy of detection. After tackling with all the problems then we will be going for the smart helmet with more functions. And building a software where we can decrease the accidents as much as possible.