⚠️ Community Repository: Please note that the scripts in this repository are contributed by members of the Galactica community and may not be officially endorsed or supported by the Galactica development team. While efforts are made to ensure the quality and security of the scripts, users should exercise caution and review the code before running it in their node validators.
Before running any scripts you have to setup your configuration, run these commands.
# Download script
wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Pretid/galactica_helpers/main/init_config.sh"
# Add execute permissions
chmod +x init_config.sh
# Execute installation
This will set all the variables we need for the others scripts.
Here are all the variables that should be set for running all the scripts. Your bashrc or bash_profile file should have theses variables.
export GN_DISCORD_NOTIF="false"
export GN_DISCORD_WEBHOOK="webhookurlfordiscord"
export GN_TG_NOTIF="true"
export GN_TG_BOT_TOKEN="your telegram token"
export GN_TG_CHAT_ID="your telegram chat"
export GN_URL_EXPLORER="https://testnet.itrocket.net/galactica/tx/"
export PASSPHRASE="your passphrase"
export GN_ETH_WALLET_ADDRESS="your 0x wallet address to get from the faucet"
And of course the one of the ITRocket scripts.
The scripts in this repository are licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). See the LICENSE file for more details.