The project aims to provide a simple URL shortener service.
- The API processes the input URL as an argument over a REST API, write it to a JSON file, and returns a shortened URL as a result.
- The case where the API request gets made with a long URL that has already got shortened before, then the output response will be the same short URL.
- The API request made using the shortened URL will redirect the request to the original URL.
- The project is created using Golang, Docker, HTML, and Makefile.
The following software needs to be installed in the operating system to operate on the application.
1. Golang
2. Make
3. Docker
Below is the list of API endpoints with their respective input and output. Consider Base_URL to be the exposed application port. Example: Base_URL=http://localhost:3002
1. To Create a ShortURL -
#### Input Request
GET {Base_URL}/createShortUrl/?url={Long_URL}
#### Output Response
"Url": "{Base_URL}/shortUrl/{shortURL_Path}"
"Url": "http://localhost:3002/shortUrl/2aa789c823074703b7baa8a524eb4aad"
2. To Fetch the originalURL -
#### Input Request
GET "{Base_URL}/shortUrl/{shortURL_Path}"
#### Output Response
Redirection to the original URL
- make build
- make run
- make
- make test
- make image
The unit tests are present in the application. The make test command can run unit tests on the application after the application starts serving API requests over a path Url.
A docker file is present in the application with a docker-compose file. The make image command can build the docker image. Any of the following two ways can get used for serving the application over a path Url for the API requests after the image is created.
1. Run using docker.
docker run -p 3002:80 --name urlshortener urlshortener:test
2. Run using the docker-compose file.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up