Bugfix for local repo casing issue on Linux #1750
Build #PowerShell.PSResourceGet-2412.03003 had test failures
- Failed: 67 (0.29%)
- Passed: 22,404 (95.35%)
- Other: 1,026 (4.37%)
- Total: 23,497
azure-pipelines / PowerShell.PSResourceGet
Test Find-PSResource for searching and looping through repositories.find resource that has CommandName specified from all repositories where it exists and not write errors where it does not exist (without -Repository specified)
Expected the actual value to be greater than or equal to 9, but got 6.
Raw output
at <ScriptBlock>, /Users/runner/work/1/s/test/FindPSResourceTests/FindPSResourceRepositorySearching.Tests.ps1: line 464
464: $res.Count | Should -BeGreaterOrEqual 9
azure-pipelines / PowerShell.PSResourceGet
Test Find-PSResource for searching and looping through repositories.find resources from all pattern matching repositories where it exists (-Repository with wildcard)
Expected an empty collection, but got collection with size 1 @(Package with CommandName 'Get-TargetResource' could not be found in registered repositories: 'PSGallery, NuGetGallery'.).
Raw output
at <ScriptBlock>, /Users/runner/work/1/s/test/FindPSResourceTests/FindPSResourceRepositorySearching.Tests.ps1: line 537
537: $err | Should -HaveCount 0
azure-pipelines / PowerShell.PSResourceGet
Test HTTP Find-PSResource for V2 Server Protocol.find resource given DscResourceName
Expected a value, but got $null or empty.
Raw output
at <ScriptBlock>, /Users/runner/work/1/s/test/FindPSResourceTests/FindPSResourceV2Server.Tests.ps1: line 368
368: $res | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
azure-pipelines / PowerShell.PSResourceGet
Test Find-PSResource for searching and looping through repositories.find resource given CommandName from all repositories where it exists (-Repository with multiple non-wildcard values)
Expected the actual value to be greater than or equal to 9, but got 6.
Raw output
at <ScriptBlock>, /Users/runner/work/1/s/test/FindPSResourceTests/FindPSResourceRepositorySearching.Tests.ps1: line 595
595: $res.Count | Should -BeGreaterOrEqual 9