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Power Transformation Lab Website

This site uses a modified version of TeXt Theme.

Site pages

Site pages are the .md files in the root of the repository. They are all generated to be static, but some of them behave more dynamically then others, doing things like listing the most recent posts. They are all accessible via the navigation bar.

Title Site URL File
Home /
Research /research.html
Publications /publications.html
Models and Data /models_and_data.html models_and_data.html
News /news.html
In The Media /in_the_media.html in_the_media.html
Lab Updates /lab_updates.html
About /about.html about.html
Team /team.html
Teaching /teaching.html
Opportunities /opportunities.html
Study At UCSD /study_at_ucsd.html
Contact /contact.html

Additionally, a 404 page is located at "404.html".

Hero pages

Styles for hero pages are defined in _sass/components/_hero.scss. A page may either use the hero_page layout (which itself uses the page layout) such as the "About" page, or it could write out its own HTML like on the home and research pages, if custom styles have to be applied.

Hero pages have a required hero_image field which is the image URL for the background image. Additionally, there are two optional variables that can be set:

  • fallback_color: A fallback color to use for the background in case the image cannot load. This is in rrggbb format, notably without the #.
  • banner_color: An optional background color for the div containing the hero text, to create the effect of the hero text being a banner. This color is in #rrggbb format.
  • long_title: Optional boolean that makes the font size of the title smaller on screen sizes between the lg and md breakpoints

Adding posts

Posts are added just like normal jekyll to "_posts". See Features for featured posts.

Archive Title Prefix

Posts also have an optional "archive_title_prefix" variable that can be added which will change the title that appears in the lab_updates page (which uses the archive layout), but not on the top of the article itself. It should include a colon any any spacing, because it is simply prepended to the article title. For example, a file with front-matter

title: My Post Title
archive_title_prefix: "Update: "

would have Update: My Post Title displayed in lab_updates, but would still just have My Post Title on top of the page if you clicked on it.

Publications page categories

Paper Topic

Any post with the tag papers will show up on the "Publications" page, which has three buttons to sort the papers into the categories of "Renewable energy planning", "Power markets", and "Political economy".

This sorting is accmoplished by adding one of the tags renewable_energy_planning, power_markets, or political_economy to the post. For example, the post _posts/ has tags [papers, renewable_energy_planning] so it will show up under the "Renewable energy planning" category.

Currently, having multiple categories for a single paper is not supported. Papers without any of these tags will appear when all are shown but not under any category.

Paper Type

In a similar manner to above, papers are categorized by type into "Journal Articles", "Refereed Book Chapters and Other Publications", "Working Papers and Reports", and "Posters".

To categorize posts into these types, the tags journal_article, refereed_and_other, working_and_reports, and posters should be used.

Currently, papers without any of these tags will not appear in any section.

Adding team members

To add a team member, add a new markdown file to the _team directory. They are listed on the team page alphabetically by filename, so currently they are prefixed with a 2-digit number. It would be possible to force a custom order on the files by configuring the team collection in See here for details.

The front matter is laid out as follows:

  • name: Required, self-explanatory
  • img: Portrait or some other picture that will be displayed above their name. Optional.
  • alumni: If set to true, the name will be shown in a list at the bottom of the page instead of the image and bio being displayed normally.

Finally, the main content section of the file will be the person's bio.

Adding media mentions

Add a markdown file to in_the_media/. They are sorted alphabetically also, with the 3 last ones being displayed as recent on the news page, so it is recommended to prepend the date to each one.

All of the information in a media mention file is contained within the front matter. The four required fields are title, link, description, and date. The date should be in standard Jekyll yyyy-mm-dd format.

Featured items (media mentions and lab posts)

To feature a media mention or lab post, add featured: true to the front-matter.


Featured posts will appear in the "Featured Lab Updates" section on the News page. There is no limit to how many posts can be featured. They will be displayed with the most recent on top.

Media Mentions

Featured media mentions will appear on the "In The Media" page, as three large items, with all media mentions listed below them. It is required to set an img in the front-matter as well. The image can be from locally within the repo or an externally hosted image. Currently, featured media mentions do not appear on the News page - the News page will list the most recent ones.

Home page feature

To make a post featured on the main home page gallery, add home: true to the front-matter.

Alert Banner

The site has a capability to display a short message on a banner that pops up on top of the home page, for purposes such as temporarily making an external link available on the site for visitors.

In the file, the front-matter has the field enabled which will determine if the banner is enabled or not. Apart from that, any Markdown can be used in the body of the banner, though only links, bold and italic text, and lists have styles defined. Images and headers will likely not display correctly.


The jekyll-admin plugin is installed, which means after setting up the development environment and running bundle exec jekyll serve, there is a useful admin console hosted at localhost:4000/admin. This makes it easy to view, edit, and add/delete posts, media mentions, and team members. The admin console is only run locally and is not hosted in production.

More information can be found at the jekyll-admin repo.


New site for Power Transformaion Lab







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