Adds syntax highlighting for the MMIX Assembly language to Visual Studio Code.
First install Visual Studio Code. In the command palette (cmd-shift-p
) select Install Extension
and choose MMIX
- The Art Of Computer Programming Reading Group (Meetup) (Facebook) (Github)
- Extension Page on Microsoft
- Donald Knuth Homepage
- MMIX Homepage by Martin Rucklert
Screenshot 1 Hello World |
Screenshot 2 Hello World with changed theme |
Screenshot 3 Finding factorial program |
Screenshot 4 Finding 500 primes program |
Screenshot 5 Finding 500 primes program with changed color theme |
Go to MMIX Homepage, or I will write this more easy info for you next here.
- Fix bug on the issue
- MIX (Old language of MMIX) Syntax Higlighter
- More Easy MMIX IDE Feature like Code Formatting, Auto Complete, Code Snippet Template
- MMIX Visual Debugger on VSCode that can run on many platflom
- MMIX Visual Debugger on Web, that you can open it by any web browser
- MMIX Online Code Judge that we keep problems and score you can solve it