The Battle of Elbing (the name is still in development) is a generic Real Time Strategy Game developed with a passion for game development. Originally conceived as a collaborative effort for Unity classes, this project has evolved into individual passion project with handmade assets and scripts, excluding the music and sound effects. Despite being essentially a one-man project, certain assets have been crafted with the invaluable support of my close friends, adding a collaborative touch to this individual passion project.
- PolskiPolakPL - Project Manager, Head Developer
- Skoppek - Support Developer (in early stages of the project)
- Konti24 - 3D Graphic Designer
The game is currently undergoing a complete overhaul, prompted by numerous hastily made decisions and short-term solutions implemented during its initial development as a class project. The lack of experience at that time also contributed to the need for this renovation. The primary objective is to refactor core mechanics by simplifying scripts and restructuring the project in the editor. This process aims to elevate the overall quality of the game and align it more closely with the original vision for this project.
After the ongoing overhaul, the game will see the introduction of new units, maps, and refined mechanics to enrich the gameplay. Additionally, multiplayer functionality is beeing considered, offering strategic battles with friends. These enhancements align with the project's commitment to improving overall quality.
- Heavy Fire - "AK Firing" from SCP:SL Wiki (temporary placeholder sound)
- Sniper Fire - M1 Garand Sound Effect (will be replaced soon)
- Conscript Fire - Generic Rifle Fire (will be replaced soon)
- Main Menu Music - "The Strategy" by Unknown author (propably Royalty Free Music, I linked the source closest to the author)
- In-Game Music - "Strategy Background Music" by Musdo