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SCSI Bus Capture

akuker edited this page Oct 14, 2020 · 6 revisions

This page is intended for developers only. Its no use to anyone else.

Checkout and build scsimon

Right now, scsimon isn't included in the master branch. When #7 is fixed, this page should be updated. I'm assuming scsimon will be merged into master before that issue is closed.

cd ~
git clone
git checkout scsimon
cd ~/RASCSI/src/raspberrypi/
# If this is a new Raspberry Pi OS install, you'll need to run this command:
sudo apt install libspdlog-dev
make all

Special RaSCSI 1.5/1.6 modification

If you're using a RaSCSI version 1.5 or 1.6, you will need to make the following modification to your board. This will force all of the transceivers into a RECEIVE-ONLY mode.

Note: This tool hasn't been tested with RaSCSI board version 2.x.

Capture data

# TODO: I need to rename the executable to scsimon
sudo ./scsishark

Press CTRL-C when you're done capturing. You'll want to save the .VCD file.

Reviewing data

Install GTKWave and launch it

sudo apt install gtkwave

Once GTKWave launches, open the .VCD file that was captured by scsimon.

  • First, double-click on the "logic" item in the Signal Search Tree (SST) frame.
  • Double-click each of the signals that show up below the SST frame. This will add them to the Wave panel.
  • Now, you should be able to see all of the data presented.

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