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PharmCat committed Aug 27, 2019
1 parent dacfc70 commit 68e3abb
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Showing 3 changed files with 62 additions and 39 deletions.
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/ReplicateBE.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ LOG2PI = log(2π)

struct RBE
model::ModelFrame #Model frame
rmodel::ModelFrame #Random effect model
factors::Array{Symbol, 1} #Factor list
β::Array{Float64, 1} #β coefficients (fixed effect)
θ0::Array{Float64, 1} #Initial variance paramethers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,8 +81,9 @@ function rbe(df; dvar::Symbol,
Xf = @eval(@formula($dvar ~ $sequence + $period + $formulation))
Zf = @eval(@formula($dvar ~ 0 + $formulation))
MF = ModelFrame(Xf, df)
RMF = ModelFrame(Zf, df, contrasts = Dict(formulation => StatsModels.FullDummyCoding()))
X = ModelMatrix(MF).m
Z = ModelMatrix(ModelFrame(Zf, df, contrasts = Dict(formulation => StatsModels.FullDummyCoding()))).m
Z = ModelMatrix(RMF).m
p = rank(X)
y = df[:, dvar] #Dependent variable

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,7 +146,7 @@ function rbe(df; dvar::Symbol,
A = 2*pinv(H)
se, F, df, C = ctrst(p, Xv, Zv, iVv, θ, β, A)
df2 = N / pn - sn
return RBE(MF, [sequence, period, formulation], β, θvec0, θ, remlv, se, F, df, df2, Rv, Vv, G, C, A, H, X, Z, Xv, Zv, yv, dH, pO, O)
return RBE(MF, RMF, [sequence, period, formulation], β, θvec0, θ, remlv, se, F, df, df2, Rv, Vv, G, C, A, H, X, Z, Xv, Zv, yv, dH, pO, O)
end #END OF rbe()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -291,7 +293,7 @@ function ctrst(p, Xv, Zv, iVv, θ, β, A)
se = Array{Float64, 1}(undef, p)
F = Array{Float64, 1}(undef, p)
df = Array{Float64, 1}(undef, p)
for i = 2:p
for i = 1:p
L = zeros(p)
L[i] = 1
L = L'
Expand Down
87 changes: 54 additions & 33 deletions src/show.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,28 +1,22 @@
function, obj::RBE)
println(io, "Bioequivalence Linear Mixed Effect Model")
println(io, "")
println(io, "REML: ", obj.reml)
println(io, "REML: ", round(obj.reml, sigdigits=6))
println(io, "")
lines = 0
for f in obj.factors
lines += length(obj.model.contrasts[f].termnames)
pm = Array{Any,2}(undef, lines+2, 5)
coef = coefnames(obj.model);
rcoef = coefnames(obj.rmodel);
pm = Array{Any,2}(undef, length(coef)+1, 5);
pm[1,1] = "Level"; pm[1,2] = "Value"; pm[1,3] = "SE"; pm[1,4] = "DF"; pm[1,5] = "F";
pm[2,1] = "Intercept"; pm[2,2] = obj.β[1]; pm[2,3] = "-"; pm[2,4] = "-"; pm[2,5] = "-";
it = 2
pmr = 3
for f in obj.factors
for l in obj.model.contrasts[f].termnames
pm[pmr,1] = string(f)*": "*string(l);
pm[pmr,2] = obj.β[it];
pm[pmr,3] =[it];
pm[pmr,4] = obj.df[it];
pm[pmr,5] = obj.f[it];
it += 1
pmr += 1

for i = 1:length(coef)
pm[i+1,1] = coef[i]
pm[i+1,2] = obj.β[i];
pm[i+1,3] =[i];
pm[i+1,4] = obj.df[i];
pm[i+1,5] = obj.f[i];

for r = 1:size(pm)[1]
for c = 1:size(pm)[2]
if isa(pm[r,c], Float64) pm[r,c] = round(pm[r,c], sigdigits=6) end
Expand All @@ -32,39 +26,66 @@ function, obj::RBE)
pm = string.(pm)
len = Array{Int,1}(undef, 0)
vch = Array{Vector{Char},1}(undef, 0)
line = ""
for c = 1:size(pm)[2]
ml = maximum(length.(pm[:,c]))
push!(len, ml)
ch = Vector{Char}(undef, ml)
ch = Vector{Char}(undef, ml+2)
ch .= ''
push!(vch, ch)
for v in vch
print(io, String(v))
print(io, "")
line *= String(ch)
println(io, "")
println(io, line)
for c = 1:size(pm)[2]
print(io, pm[1,c])
ch = Vector{Char}(undef, len[c]-length(pm[1,c]))
ch .= ' '
print(io, String(ch))
print(io, "")
print(io, " ")
println(io, "")
println(io, line)
for r = 2:size(pm)[1]
for v in vch
print(io, String(v))
print(io, "")
println(io, "")
for c = 1:size(pm)[2]
print(io, pm[r,c])
ch = Vector{Char}(undef, len[c]-length(pm[r,c]))
ch .= ' '
print(io, String(ch))
print(io, "")
print(io, " ")
println(io, "")
println(io, line)
println(io, "Intra-individual variation:")
println(io, rcoef[1], " ", round(obj.θ[1], sigdigits=6), " CVᵂ: ", round(geocv(obj.θ[1]), sigdigits=6))
println(io, rcoef[2], " ", round(obj.θ[2], sigdigits=6), " CVᵂ: ", round(geocv(obj.θ[2]), sigdigits=6))
println(io, "")
println(io, "Inter-individual variation:")
println(io, rcoef[1], " ", round(obj.θ[3], sigdigits=6))
println(io, rcoef[2], " ", round(obj.θ[4], sigdigits=6))
println(io, "Cov:", " ", round(sqrt(obj.θ[4]*obj.θ[3])*obj.θ[5], sigdigits=6))
println(io, line)
println(io, "Confidence intervals(90%):")
println(io, "")
ci = confint(obj, 0.1, expci = true, inv = false)
println(io, rcoef[1], " / ", rcoef[2])
println(io, round(ci[end][1]*100, digits=4), " - ", round(ci[end][2]*100, digits=4), " (%)")
println(io, "")
ci = confint(obj, 0.1, expci = true, inv = true)
println(io, rcoef[2], " / ", rcoef[1])
println(io, round(ci[end][1]*100, digits=4), " - ", round(ci[end][2]*100, digits=4), " (%)")


function geocv(var)
return sqrt(exp(var)-1.0)
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions test/test.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ using Test, DataFrames, CSV


@testset " Basic mixed model test " begin
@testset " Basic mixed model test " begin
df = |> DataFrame
be = ReplicateBE.rbe(df, dvar = :var, subject = :subject, formulation = :formulation, period = :period, sequence = :sequence);
@test be.β[6] -0.0791666 atol=1E-5
Expand All @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ end

#Patterson SD, Jones B. Viewpoint: observations on scaled average bioequivalence. Pharm Stat. 2012; 11(1): 1–7. doi:10.1002/pst.498
@testset " #5 Pub Bioequivalence Dataset " begin
@testset " #5 Pub Bioequivalence Dataset " begin
#REML 321.44995530 - SAS STOP!
df = |> DataFrame
be = ReplicateBE.rbe(df, dvar = :var1, subject = :subject, formulation = :formulation, period = :period, sequence = :sequence);
Expand All @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ end

#Shumaker RC, Metzler CM. The Phenytoin Trial is a Case Study of ‘Individual’ Bioequivalence. Drug Inf J. 1998; 32(4): 1063–72
@testset " #6 Pub Bioequivalence TTRR/RRTT Dataset " begin
@testset " #6 Pub Bioequivalence TTRR/RRTT Dataset " begin
#REML 329.25749378
#SE 0.04153
#DF 62
Expand Down

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