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PharmCat committed Dec 2, 2019
1 parent 9a6b6ff commit 1b446fe
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Showing 10 changed files with 132 additions and 109 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,10 @@ name = "ReplicateBE"
uuid = "671d9d50-c343-11e9-1a9c-fdd992682823"
keywords = ["bioequivalence", "mixedmodel"]
desc = "Mixed model solution for replicate designed bioequivalence study."
version = "1.0.4"
version = "1.0.5"

Printf = "de0858da-6303-5e67-8744-51eddeeeb8d7"
CategoricalArrays = "324d7699-5711-5eae-9e2f-1d82baa6b597"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
StatsModels = "3eaba693-59b7-5ba5-a881-562e759f1c8d"
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20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,18 +51,18 @@ Bioequivalence Linear Mixed Effect Model (status: converged)
-2REML: 329.257 REML: -164.629
Fixed effect:
Effect Value SE F DF t P|t|
(Intercept) 4.42158 0.119232 1375.21 68.6064 37.0838 4.0203900000000003e-47*
sequence: 2 0.360591 0.161776 4.96821 62.0 2.22895 0.0294511*
period: 2 0.027051 0.0533388 0.257206 122.73 0.507155 0.612956
period: 3 -0.00625777 0.0561037 0.012441 153.634 -0.111539 0.911334
period: 4 0.036742 0.0561037 0.428886 153.634 0.654894 0.513515
formulation: 2 0.0643404 0.0415345 2.39966 62.0 1.54908 0.126451
(Intercept) 4.42158 0.119232 1375.21 68.6064 37.0838 4.02039E-47*
sequence: 2 0.360591 0.161776 4.96821 62.0 2.22895 0.0294511*
period: 2 0.027051 0.0533388 0.257206 122.73 0.507155 0.612956
period: 3 -0.00625777 0.0561037 0.012441 153.634 -0.111539 0.911334
period: 4 0.036742 0.0561037 0.428886 153.634 0.654894 0.513515
formulation: 2 0.0643404 0.0415345 2.39966 62.0 1.54908 0.126451
Intra-individual variance:
formulation: 1 0.108629 CVᵂ: 33.87 %
formulation: 1 0.108629 CVᵂ: 33.87 %
formulation: 2 0.0783544 CVᵂ: 28.55 %
Inter-individual variance:
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
- v1.0.5
* inv(H) used where possible
* DF for typeiii checks
* Type optimization
* Output fix

- v1.0.4
* CSV test dataset
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22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions docs/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -143,24 +143,24 @@ Bioequivalence Linear Mixed Effect Model (status: converged)
-2REML: 329.257 REML: -164.629
Fixed effect:
Effect Value SE F DF t P|t|
(Intercept) 4.42158 0.119232 1375.21 68.6064 37.0838 4.0203900000000003e-47*
sequence: 2 0.360591 0.161776 4.96821 62.0 2.22895 0.0294511*
period: 2 0.027051 0.0533388 0.257206 122.73 0.507155 0.612956
period: 3 -0.00625777 0.0561037 0.012441 153.634 -0.111539 0.911334
period: 4 0.036742 0.0561037 0.428886 153.634 0.654894 0.513515
formulation: 2 0.0643404 0.0415345 2.39966 62.0 1.54908 0.126451
(Intercept) 4.42158 0.119232 1375.21 68.6064 37.0838 4.02039E-47*
sequence: 2 0.360591 0.161776 4.96821 62.0 2.22895 0.0294511*
period: 2 0.027051 0.0533388 0.257206 122.73 0.507155 0.612956
period: 3 -0.00625777 0.0561037 0.012441 153.634 -0.111539 0.911334
period: 4 0.036742 0.0561037 0.428886 153.634 0.654894 0.513515
formulation: 2 0.0643404 0.0415345 2.39966 62.0 1.54908 0.126451
Intra-individual variance:
formulation: 1 0.108629 CVᵂ: 33.87 %
formulation: 1 0.108629 CVᵂ: 33.87 %
formulation: 2 0.0783544 CVᵂ: 28.55 %
Inter-individual variance:
formulation: 1 0.377846
formulation: 2 0.421356
ρ: 0.980288 Cov: 0.391143
ρ: 0.980288 Cov: 0.391143
Confidence intervals(90%):
formulation: 1 / formulation: 2
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ReplicateBE.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@

module ReplicateBE

using DataFrames, Distributions, StatsModels, StatsBase, ForwardDiff, LinearAlgebra, Random, PDMats, Optim, LineSearches, CategoricalArrays
using DataFrames, Distributions, StatsModels, StatsBase, ForwardDiff, LinearAlgebra, Random, PDMats, Optim, LineSearches, CategoricalArrays, Printf

export RBE, RandRBEDS, rbe, rbe!, reml2, nobs, coef, stderror, dof, coefnum, fixed, theta, typeiii, design, show, confint, contrast, estimate, optstat, randrbeds
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/memalloc.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
struct MemAlloc{T <: AbstractFloat}
mem1::Array{Array{T, 2}, 1}
mem2::Array{Array{T, 2}, 1}
mem3::Array{Array{T, 1}, 1}
#mem4::Array{Float64, 2}
function MemAlloc(p, zs, yv::Vector{Vector{T}}) where T <: AbstractFloat
maxobs = maximum(length.(yv))
yvtype = eltype(yv[1])
memc1 = Array{Array{yvtype, 2}, 1}(undef, maxobs)
memc2 = Array{Array{yvtype, 2}, 1}(undef, maxobs)
memc3 = Array{Array{yvtype, 1}, 1}(undef, maxobs)
memc1 = Vector{Matrix{yvtype}}(undef, maxobs)
memc2 = Vector{Matrix{yvtype}}(undef, maxobs)
memc3 = Vector{Vector{yvtype}}(undef, maxobs)
for i = 1:maxobs
memc1[i] = zeros(i, zs)
memc2[i] = zeros(p, i)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/randrbeds.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ mutable struct RandRBEDS
dropsubj::Float64 #Deprecated
dropsubj::Real #Deprecated
function RandRBEDS(;n=24, sequence=[1,1],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ function randrbeds(n::Int, sequence::Vector,
θinter::Vector, θintra::Vector,
intercept::Real, seqcoef::Vector, periodcoef::Vector, formcoef::Vector,
dropsubj::Float64, dropobs::Int, seed)
dropsubj::Real, dropobs::Int, seed)
if seed != 0
rng = MersenneTwister(seed)
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155 changes: 81 additions & 74 deletions src/rbe.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,62 +3,62 @@
struct RBE
model::ModelFrame #Model frame
rmodel::ModelFrame #Random effect model
design::Design #Design description
factors::Array{Symbol, 1} #Factor list
θ0::Array{Float64, 1} #Initial variance paramethers
θ::Tuple{Vararg{Float64}} #Final variance paramethers
reml::Float64 #-2REML
fixed::EffectTable #Fixed Effect table
typeiii::ContrastTable #Type III table
R::Array{Matrix{Float64},1} #R matrices for each subject
V::Array{Matrix{Float64},1} #V matrices for each subject
G::Matrix{Float64} #G matrix
C::Matrix{Float64} #C var(β) p×p variance-covariance matrix
A::Matrix{Float64} #asymptotic variance-covariance matrix of b θ
H::Matrix{Float64} #Hessian matrix
X::Matrix #Matrix for fixed effects
Z::Matrix #Matrix for random effects
Xv::Array{Matrix{Float64},1} #X matrices for each subject
Zv::Array{Matrix{Float64},1} #Z matrices for each subject
yv::Array{Array{Float64, 1},1} #responce vectors for each subject
detH::Float64 #Hessian determinant
preoptim::Union{Optim.MultivariateOptimizationResults, Nothing} #Pre-optimization result object
optim::Optim.MultivariateOptimizationResults #Optimization result object
struct RBE{T <: AbstractFloat}
model::ModelFrame # Model frame
rmodel::ModelFrame # Random effect model
factors::Vector{Symbol} # Factor list
θ0::Vector{T} # Initial variance paramethers
θ::Tuple{Vararg{T}} # Final variance paramethers
reml::T # -2REML
R::Vector{Matrix{T}} # R matrices for each subject
V::Vector{Matrix{T}} # V matrices for each subject
G::Matrix{T} # G matrix
C::Matrix{T} # C var(β) p×p variance-covariance matrix
A::Matrix{T} # asymptotic variance-covariance matrix ofb θ
H::Matrix{T} # Hessian matrix
X::Matrix{T} # Matrix for fixed effects
Z::Matrix{T} # Matrix for random effects
Xv::Vector{Matrix{T}} # X matrices for each subject
Zv::Vector{Matrix{T}} # Z matrices for each subject
yv::Vector{Vector{T}} # responce vectors for each subject
detH::T # Hessian determinant
preoptim::Union{Optim.MultivariateOptimizationResults, Nothing} # Pre-optimization result object
optim::Optim.MultivariateOptimizationResults # Optimization result object
Replicate bioequivalence structure.
struct RBE
model::ModelFrame #Model frame
rmodel::ModelFrame #Random effect model
struct RBE{T <: AbstractFloat}
model::ModelFrame # Model frame
rmodel::ModelFrame # Random effect model
factors::Array{Symbol, 1} #Factor list
θ0::Array{Float64, 1} #Initial variance paramethers
θ::Tuple{Vararg{Float64}} #Final variance paramethers
reml::Float64 #-2REML
factors::Vector{Symbol} # Factor list
θ0::Vector{T} # Initial variance paramethers
θ::Tuple{Vararg{T}} # Final variance paramethers
reml::T # -2REML
R::Array{Matrix{Float64},1} #R matrices for each subject
V::Array{Matrix{Float64},1} #V matrices for each subject
G::Matrix{Float64} #G matrix
C::Matrix{Float64} #C var(β) p×p variance-covariance matrix
A::Matrix{Float64} #asymptotic variance-covariance matrix ofb θ
H::Matrix{Float64} #Hessian matrix
X::Matrix #Matrix for fixed effects
Z::Matrix #Matrix for random effects
Xv::Array{Matrix{Float64},1} #X matrices for each subject
Zv::Array{Matrix{Float64},1} #Z matrices for each subject
yv::Array{Array{Float64, 1},1} #responce vectors for each subject
detH::Float64 #Hessian determinant
preoptim::Union{Optim.MultivariateOptimizationResults, Nothing} #Pre-optimization result object
optim::Optim.MultivariateOptimizationResults #Optimization result object
R::Vector{Matrix{T}} # R matrices for each subject
V::Vector{Matrix{T}} # V matrices for each subject
G::Matrix{T} # G matrix
C::Matrix{T} # C var(β) p×p variance-covariance matrix
A::Matrix{T} # asymptotic variance-covariance matrix ofb θ
H::Matrix{T} # Hessian matrix
X::Matrix{T} # Matrix for fixed effects
Z::Matrix{T} # Matrix for random effects
Xv::Vector{Matrix{T}} # X matrices for each subject
Zv::Vector{Matrix{T}} # Z matrices for each subject
yv::Vector{Vector{T}} # responce vectors for each subject
detH::T # Hessian determinant
preoptim::Union{Optim.MultivariateOptimizationResults, Nothing} # Pre-optimization result object
optim::Optim.MultivariateOptimizationResults # Optimization result object

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ V_{i} = Z_{i}GZ_i'+R_{i}
* memopt = true - memory optimization (function cache)
* init = [] - initial variance paremeters
* postopt = false - post optimization
* maxopttry = 100 - maximum attempts to optimize
function rbe(df; dvar::Symbol,
Expand All @@ -132,7 +131,6 @@ function rbe(df; dvar::Symbol,
if !(eltype(df[!,dvar]) <: AbstractFloat)
@warn "Responce variable ∉ Float!"
vartype = eltype(df[!,dvar])
if !(typeof(df[!,subject]) <: CategoricalArray)
@warn "Subject variable not Categorical, use rbe!()!"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,14 +200,14 @@ function rbe(df; dvar::Symbol,

θvec0 = rvarlink(θvec0, vlm)
θvec0 = rvarlink(θvec0, vlm)
#Prelocatiom for G, R, V, V⁻¹ matrices
G = zeros(2, 2)
Rv = Array{Array{vartype,2}, 1}(undef, n)
Vv = Array{Array{vartype,2}, 1}(undef, n)
iVv = Array{Array{vartype,2}, 1}(undef, n)
matvecz!(Rv, Zv)
matvecz!(Vv, Zv)
G = zeros(2, 2)
Rv = Vector{Matrix{eltype(df[!,dvar])}}(undef, n)
Vv = Vector{Matrix{eltype(df[!,dvar])}}(undef, n)
iVv = Vector{Matrix{eltype(df[!,dvar])}}(undef, n)
matvecz!(Rv, Zv)
matvecz!(Vv, Zv)
matvecz!(iVv, Zv)
pO = nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -275,11 +273,11 @@ function rbe(df; dvar::Symbol,

#A = 2 * pinv(H)
C = cmat(Xv, Zv, iVv, θ)
se = Array{vartype, 1}(undef, p)
F = Array{vartype, 1}(undef, p)
df = Array{vartype, 1}(undef, p)
t = Array{vartype, 1}(undef, p)
pval = Array{vartype, 1}(undef, p)
se = Vector{eltype(C)}(undef, p)
F = Vector{eltype(C)}(undef, p)
df = Vector{eltype(C)}(undef, p)
t = Vector{eltype(C)}(undef, p)
pval = Vector{eltype(C)}(undef, p)
for i = 1:p
L = zeros(1, p)
L[i] = 1
Expand All @@ -296,23 +294,32 @@ function rbe(df; dvar::Symbol,
fixed = EffectTable(coefnames(MF), β, se, F, df, t, pval)
fac = [sequence, period, formulation]
F = Array{vartype, 1}(undef, length(fac))
df = Array{vartype, 1}(undef, length(fac))
ndf = Array{vartype, 1}(undef, length(fac))
pval = Array{vartype, 1}(undef, length(fac))
F = Vector{eltype(C)}(undef, length(fac))
df = Vector{eltype(C)}(undef, length(fac))
ndf = Vector{eltype(C)}(undef, length(fac))
pval = Vector{eltype(C)}(undef, length(fac))
for i = 1:length(fac)
L = lmatrix(MF, fac[i])
lcl = L*C*L'
lclr = rank(lcl)
F[i] = β'*L'*inv(lcl)*L*β/lclr
if lclr 2
vm = Array{vartype, 1}(undef, lclr)
vm = Vector{eltype(C)}(undef, lclr)
for i = 1:lclr
g = ForwardDiff.gradient(x -> lclgf(L[i:i,:], L[i:i,:]', Xv, Zv, x; memopt = memopt), θ)
dfi = 2*((L[i:i,:]*C*L[i:i,:]')[1])^2/(g'*A*g)
vm[i] = dfi/(dfi-2)
g = ForwardDiff.gradient(x -> lclgf(L[i:i,:], L[i:i,:]', Xv, Zv, x; memopt = memopt), θ)
dfi = 2*((L[i:i,:]*C*L[i:i,:]')[1])^2/(g'*A*g)
if dfi > 2
vm[i] = dfi/(dfi-2)
vm[i] = 0
E = sum(vm)
if E > lclr
dfi = 2 * E / (E - lclr)
dfi = 0
dfi = 2*sum(vm)/(sum(vm)-lclr)
g = ForwardDiff.gradient(x -> lclgf(L, L', Xv, Zv, x; memopt = memopt), θ)
dfi = 2*((lcl)[1])^2/(g'*(A)*g)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -379,11 +386,11 @@ end
#returm -2REML
reml2(rbe::RBE, θ::Array{T, 1}) where T <: AbstractFloat
reml2(rbe::RBE, θ::Vector{T}) where T <: AbstractFloat
Returm -2logREML for rbe model with θ variance vector.
function reml2(rbe::RBE, θ::Array{T, 1}) where T <: AbstractFloat
function reml2(rbe::RBE, θ::Vector{T}) where T <: AbstractFloat
return -2*reml(rbe.yv, rbe.Zv, rank(ModelMatrix(rbe.model).m), rbe.Xv, θ, coef(rbe))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -504,7 +511,7 @@ function StatsBase.confint(obj::RBE, alpha::Real; expci::Bool = false, inv::Bool
df = obj.fixed.df
a = Array{Tuple{Float64, Float64},1}(undef, length(obj.fixed.est))
a = Array{Tuple{eltype(obj.fixed.est), eltype(obj.fixed.est)},1}(undef, length(obj.fixed.est))
for i = 1:length(obj.fixed.est)
a[i] = calcci(obj.fixed.est[i]*ifv,[i], df[i], alpha, expci)
Expand Down

2 comments on commit 1b446fe

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Release notes:

  • v1.0.5
    • inv(H) used where possible
    • DF for typeiii checks
    • Type optimization
    • Output fix

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