- For now none but later pygame for GUI
example of starting state fen string
- 'rheakaehr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RHEAKAEHR w - - 0 1'
/ : indicate next rank
numerical value 1-9 : indicates number of empty squares between pieces
w | b : indicates turn
- : indicates filler for notation in western chess
second to last value is number of half moves since last capture (if reaches 60 game ends in draw)
last value is number of full moves (full move means increments after both white and black move)
Upper Case for White, Lower case for black
- King/General: K/k
- Advisor: A/a
- Elephant: E/e
- Rook/Chariot: R/r
- Cannon: C/c
- Horse/Knight: H/h
- Pawn: P/p
- Running main.py runs the cml version of the code, running game.py runs the GUI of the code however that is not complete yet
: {1d Char Array} containing piece positions -
: {array of Moves} contains list of valid moves of the current players turn -
: {char} w | b -
: {char} w | b -
{int} integer position of the turn of current players king within state (this will be needed for determining legal moves) -
{int} number of half moves since last capture. If == 60 then game ends in draw, increments after white or black move -
{int} number of full moves
__init__(self, fen)
: default constructor from fen. Uses fen to initialize all board variables -
: analyzes state and generatesvalid_moves
updateBoardFromMove(move: move.Move)
: updatesstate
checkForCheck(move: move.Move, turn: char)
: Helper function that analyzes a move and looks a half move further to see if that move puts themselves in check. Returns bool.
start: {int} integer position of piece with in 1d state array
target: {int} integer position of target square within 1d state array
need to increment halfmove counter and full move counter -
In main game loop need to check for draw with halfmove counter