IRC Bot which lets users send cryptocurrency via their IRC Nicknames.
By using this tipbot you are responsible for the user funds that it contains. While it has not been hacked yet, I don't know if there was even an attempt to do so. While there are some failguards, like a check before each command issued by an user if there is a balance in the database < 0, please be carefull with storing lots of crypto in this bot.
This tipbot is written in Java. It uses the PircBotX plugin to handle connections to the IRC network/User input. Further it uses a MySQL database to save everyones account/balance. I used Hibernate as ORM.
- Send cryptocurrency to any nickname in IRC that is identified by NickServ. Person being tipped has to be identified too.
- Being able to enable/disable commands while the bot is running.
- Checks with every user issued command if there is a negative balance in the database, if there is shutdown bot. A negative balance indicates a bug being abused.
- Keeps a cache with identified users so it doesn't have to query NickServ as often.
- Email notification upon deposit/withdrawel from users and upon exceptions.
- Users will be notified when their deposit has been cleared only when they are logged in. If the deposit hasn't been cleared yet they can check their unconfirmed balance with the !balance command.
(Almost) Every command has to be issued by an user who is identified with NickServ. Also the users being tipped.
- !tipbot, shows information about the tipbot to the user.
- !balance, outsputs the current balance to the user. Also shows the unconfirmed balance.
- !tip [username] [amount], sends [amount] of coins to [username].
- !deposit, generates an unique address for the user to deposit to.
- !withdraw [address] [amount], withdraws [amount] to [address]. Substracts a fee configured by the bot owner.
These commands have to be issued by an OP and have to be sent to the bot in private message.
- !stop, disconnects the bot from the server.
- !say [message], lets the bot output [message] in the connected channel.
- !rejoin, rejoins the configured channel.
- !disable [command], disables a command so it can't be used anymore. [command] has to include the !, for example: !disable !balance
- !enable [command], enables a command so it can be used again. [command] has to include the !, for example: !enable !balance
- A websocket is listening on port 5566 for incomming transactions (deposits/withdraws). This needs to be set in your crypto daemon settings.
blocknotify=echo block | nc -q 0 5566
walletnotify=echo wallet %s | nc -q 0 5566
Off course you should also set the RPC password/port/user in this file, so I suggest you do that aswell.
Create a MySQL database, user and password and remember them to be specified later in the config file.
Run your crypto daemon.
Setup a config file in the root of the project. It should contain the following:
#Bot Settings
BOT_USERNAME=(Username here)
CHANNEL=(IRC channel to join)
NICKSERV_PASSWORD=(Nickserv password)
MESSAGE_DELAY=(Min Delay between user commands, if this is set to 2 it only executes one command every 2 seconds)
MIN_DECIMALS=(Min amount of decimals, recommended 4. If this is set to 4 a tip must be atleast 0.0001)
#Coin Settings
CRYPTO_PORT_NUMBER=(RPC port from the wallet here)
WALLET_URL=http://(IP Adres for the wallet here)
#Withdrawel and deposit settings
FEE=(Withdrawel fee)
MIN_WITHDRAW=(Min amount of coins to be withdrawn)
MIN_CONFIRMATIONS=(Amount of confirmations it waits for before a deposit is cleared)
#Email settings
FROM_EMAIL=(Email address it sends emails from)
TO_EMAIL=(Email address it sends emails to)
USERNAME=(Username from the email address, if you FROM_EMAIL is [email protected], this value is penait1)
PASSWORD=(Password from the FROM_EMAIL address)
#Database parameters
DB_IP=jdbc:mysql://(IP Address from the database)/(Database name)
DB_USERNAME=(Database username)
DB_PASSWORD=(Database password)
- You should be good now to start the tipbot.