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Typora Parser

Convert Typora flavoured markdown to HTML.
This package aims to have the exact same output as Typora, with more options for advanced usage.


This package does not sanitize the output HTML, please use a sanitize library like DOMPurify!


This parser is not CommonMark spec compliant (nor does Typora), see discussion #2.

CLI Usage

  1. Install.

    npm install -g typora-parser
    # or any other package manager of your choice
  2. (Optional) Extract CSS from your local Typora installation.

  3. $ typora-export -h
    Usage: typoraExport [options] <file>
      file                               input markdown filename
      -V, --version                      output the version number
      -o, --output <file>                output file name
      -n, --vanilla-html                 no typora-specific classes, corresponds to typora "export HTML (without styles)"
      -e, --exclude-head                 don't include head and body tag
      -t, --title <title>                title of the html, no effect when --exclude-head, defaults to file name without extension
      -g, --extra-head-tags <file>       extra tags add to the head tag, no effect when --exclude-head
      -l, --code-display-line-numbers    show line numbers on code block, no effect when --vanilla-html
      -b, --math-auto-numbering          auto numbering math blocks
      -k, --math-dont-apply-line-breaks  don't apply line break at \\ and \newline in math block, see
      -h, --help                         display help for command
  4. Here is a typical usage example: read markdown from, use extracted CSS tags (from step 2) tags.txt and output to out.html.

    typora-export -g tags.txt -o out.html

API Usage

  1. Install.

    npm install typora-parser
    # or any other package manager of your choice
  2. (Optional) Extract CSS from your local Typora installation.

  3. Import, due to bundle size considerations, this package is separated in to many components.

    // base, 25kb gzipped
    import TyporaParser from 'typora-parser'
    // optional fenced code highlighting, +280kb gzipped
    import HighlightJsRenderer from 'typora-parser/build/src/plugins/HighlightJsRenderer'
    // optional latex rendering, +590kb gzipped
    import MathJaxRenderer from 'typora-parser/build/src/plugins/MathJaxRenderer'
  4. Parse markdown, at this step you can alter the abstract syntax tree and read front matter information. code

    const parseResult = TyporaParser.parse(md)
    // print front matter
    // print abstract syntax tree
    console.log(inspect(parseResult.ast, false, null, true))
  5. Render to HTML, at this step you can specify render options.

    import HighlightJsRenderer from 'typora-parser/build/src/plugins/HighlightJsRenderer'
    import StubCodeRenderer from 'typora-parser/build/src/plugins/StubCodeRenderer'
    import MathJaxRenderer from 'typora-parser/build/src/plugins/MathJaxRenderer'
    import StubLatexRenderer from 'typora-parser/build/src/plugins/StubLatexRenderer'
    import SimpleUrlResolver from 'typora-parser/build/src/plugins/SimpleUrlResolver'
    // use default options (no latex rendering, no code highlighting)
    const html = parseResult.renderHTML()
    // this is the full default options written out explicitly, equivalent to the code above
    const html = parseResult.renderHTML({
      vanillaHTML: false,  // true -> no typora-specific classes, corresponds to typora "export HTML (without styles)"
      includeHead: false,  // true -> include head and body tag
      title: null,         // title of the html page, only used when includeHead = true
      extraHeadTags: null, // extra tags add to the head tag, only used when includeHead = true
      codeRenderer: new StubCodeRenderer(),   // this renderer produces a code block without any highlighting
      latexRenderer: new StubLatexRenderer(), // this renderer treats latex as normal text
      urlResolver: new SimpleUrlResolver(),   // this url resolver keeps the url as-is
    // render latex and highlight code
    const html = parseResult.renderHTML({
      latexRenderer: new MathJaxRenderer(),
      codeRenderer: new HighlightJsRenderer(),
    // render latex and highlight code with explicit default options, equivalent to the code above
    const html = parseResult.renderHTML({
      latexRenderer: new MathJaxRenderer({
        applyLineBreaks: true,       // apply line breaks at \\ and \newline in math block, see
        autoNumbering: false,        // auto numbering math blocks
      codeRenderer: new HighlightJsRenderer({
        displayLineNumbers: false,   // display line numbers on code block, no effect when vanillaHTML: true
    // include head and body tag, use extra head tags from tags.txt (see step 2), render latex and highlight code with line numbers
    const html = parseResult.renderHTML({
      includeHead: true,
      extraHeadTags: await fs.readFile('tags.txt', {encoding: 'utf8'}),
      latexRenderer: new MathJaxRenderer(),
      codeRenderer: new HighlightJsRenderer({displayLineNumbers: true}),
    // you can implement a custom url resolver to transform url in the markdown
    const html = parseResult.renderHTML({
      urlResolver: {
        resolve: (url, type) => {
          // type can be 'link' or 'image' or 'email'
          return 'your-transformed-url'

Feature Status

  • Standard markdown stuff you'd expect
  • Footnotes
  • Checkbox list
  • Math block and inline math (LaTeX)
    • Auto numbering
    • Chemical equations
    • Extra tex packages
  • YAML front matter
  • Table of contents
  • Fenced code highlighting
  • Emoji
  • Highlight
  • Subscript
  • Superscript
  • Allow empty paragraphs
  • Diagrams
    • Sequence Diagrams
    • Flowcharts
    • Mermaid


  • Complete features
  • More, proper tests

Known Differences

  • Typora and this package don't parse emphasis the same way as spec. There may be slight differences when parsing emphasis between this package and Typora. When in doubt, use escape.
  • Automatic URL detection is not exactly the same. When in doubt, use link syntax ([text](url)).
  • Typora uses CodeMirror to highlight code, however it only runs in a browser environment. This package uses highlight.js to highlight code then swap highlight.js classes to CodeMirror classes. The result is very similar to Typora's output.
  • I'm not very familiar to the usage of MathJax or LaTeX, the configuration of MathJax is probably slightly different between this package and Typora.

Bug Report

When reporting a bug, please make sure your markdown can be created only using Typora's WYSIWYG interface (no raw markdown editing).


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