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document and lazy-load BADM and soil_class
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infotroph committed Feb 16, 2024
1 parent d2ed510 commit 2111b1e
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Showing 12 changed files with 259 additions and 967 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions modules/
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Expand Up @@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ Suggests:
testthat (>= 1.0.2)
License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
Copyright: Authors
LazyLoad: yes
LazyData: FALSE
LazyData: true
Encoding: UTF-8
RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
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Expand Up @@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ <-function(lat, long){
cov.factor <-1
#Reading in the DB
U.S.SB <-
load(system.file("data","BADM.rda", package = ""))
U.S.SB <-

Regions <- EPA_ecoregion_finder(lat, long)
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@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
#' Biomass and soil data from FluxNet sites
#' Contains data from 246 Fluxnet sites.
#' Variables include aboveground and belowground biomass in various pools,
#' plus soil texture/chemistry/horizonation/C&N stocks.
#' @format ## `BADM`
#' A data frame with 12,300 rows and 13 columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{SITE_ID}{Fluxnet code for the site}
#' \item{LOCATION_ELEV, LOCATION_LAT, LOCATION_LON}{site coordinates}
#' \item{Date}{Measurement date}
#' \item{GROUP_ID}{TODO}
#' \item{VARIABLE_GROUP}{category, eg abovground biomass or soil chemistry}
#' \item{VARIABLE, DATAVALUE}{key and value for each measured variable}
#' numeric IDs and names for the Level 1 and level 2 ecoregions where
#' this site is located}
#' }
#' @source Originally from Fluxnet <>,
#' but the provenence and age of this specific file is not clear.

#' Default parameters for calculating soil properties from sand & clay content
#' @format ## `soil_class`
#' A list with 26 entries:
#' \describe{
#' \item{air.cond, h2o.cond, sand.cond, silt.cond, clay.cond}{
#' thermal conductivity, W m^-1 K^-1}
#' \item{air.hcap, sand.hcap, silt.hcap, clay.hcap}{heat capacity,
#' J m^-3 K^-1}
#' \item{kair, ksand, ksilt, kclay}{relative conductivity factor}
#' \item{fieldcp.K}{hydraulic conductance at field capacity, mm day^-1}
#' \item{grav}{gravity acceleration, m s^-2}
#' \item{soil.key}{Abbreviations for each of 18 soil texture classes, e.g.
#' "SiL", "LSa"}
#' \item{}{Names for 18 soil texture classes, e.g. "Sand",
#' "Silty clay"}
#' \item{soilcp.MPa}{soil water potential when air-dry, MPa}
#' \item{soilld.MPa}{soil water potential at critical water content, MPa}
#' \item{soilwp.MPa}{soil water potential at wilting point, MPa}
#' \item{stext.lines}{list of 18 lists, each giving minimum and maximum
#' sand/silt/clay contents for a soil texture class}
#' \item{stext.polygon}{list of 18 lists, each giving corner points in the
#' soil texture triangle for a soil texture class}
#' \item{texture}{data frame with 13 rows and 21 columns, giving default
#' parameter values for 13 named soil textures}
#' \item{theta.crit}{critical water content (fractional soil moisture at
#' which plants start dropping leaves), m^3 m^-3}
#' \item{xclay.def}{default volume fraction of sand in each of 18 soil
#' texture classes}
#' \item{xsand.def}{default volume fraction of clay in each of 18 soil
#' texture classes}
#' }
#' @source
#' The hydraulic parameters are derived from Cosby et al 1984, "A Statistical
#' Exploration of the Relationships of Soil Moisture Characteristics to the
#' Physical Properties of Soils", Water Resources Research 20(6): 682-690.
#' This implementation comes from one provided by the ED2 model,
#' plus `texture.csv` from a source not recorded. Package `PEcAn.linkages`
#' contains an identical texture.csv, also with no obvious source label.
#' See also comments in soil_utils.R
46 changes: 23 additions & 23 deletions modules/
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Expand Up @@ -26,30 +26,30 @@
#' soil_params(sand=sand,clay=clay)
soil_params <- function(soil_type=NULL, sand=NULL, silt=NULL, clay=NULL, bulk=NULL){
## load soil parameters
soil_data <- new.env()
load(system.file("data/soil_class.RData",package = ""), envir = soil_data)
mysoil <- list()
air.cond <- soil_data$air.cond
air.hcap <- soil_data$air.hcap
clay.cond <- soil_data$clay.cond
clay.hcap <- soil_data$clay.hcap
fieldcp.K <- soil_data$fieldcp.K
grav <- soil_data$grav
h2o.cond <- soil_data$h2o.cond
kair <- soil_data$kair
kclay <- soil_data$kclay
ksand <- soil_data$ksand
ksilt <- soil_data$ksilt
sand.cond <- soil_data$sand.cond
sand.hcap <- soil_data$sand.hcap
silt.cond <- soil_data$silt.cond
silt.hcap <- soil_data$silt.hcap <- soil_data$
soilcp.MPa <- soil_data$soilcp.MPa
soilwp.MPa <- soil_data$soilwp.MPa
texture <- soil_data$texture
xclay.def <- soil_data$xclay.def
xsand.def <- soil_data$xsand.def
# 'soil_class' is package data, lazy-loaded here when needed
# see data-raw/build_soil_texture_variables.R
air.cond <-$air.cond
air.hcap <-$air.hcap
clay.cond <-$clay.cond
clay.hcap <-$clay.hcap
fieldcp.K <-$fieldcp.K
grav <-$grav
h2o.cond <-$h2o.cond
kair <-$kair
kclay <-$kclay
ksand <-$ksand
ksilt <-$ksilt
sand.cond <-$sand.cond
sand.hcap <-$sand.hcap
silt.cond <-$silt.cond
silt.hcap <-$silt.hcap <-$
soilcp.MPa <-$soilcp.MPa
soilwp.MPa <-$soilwp.MPa
texture <-$texture
xclay.def <-$xclay.def
xsand.def <-$xsand.def

# Find soil class and sand, silt, and clay fractions. #
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@


Various ancillary data from Fluxnet.
Provenence of this particular file not clear, but it contains data from
246 Fluxnet sites. Variables include aboveground and belowground biomass
in various pools, plus soil texture/chemistry/horizonation/C&N stocks.

`load_BADM.R` simply reads `BADM.csv` and writes it as `../data/BADM.rda`.

# Soil variables

Default parameter values for soil of various texture classes.
The values are apparently derived from Cosby et al 1984,
"A Statistical Exploration of the Relationships of Soil Moisture
Characteristics to the Physical Properties of Soils",
Water Resources Research 20(6): 682-690.
This implementation comes from one provided by the ED2 model.
Not clear if texture.csv came from there or another source.
PEcAn.linkages contains an identical texture.csv,
also with no obvious source label.

`build_soil_texture_variables.R` hardcodes the values for many parameters
in a list named `soil_class` and saves it to `../data/soil_class.rda`,
from which it is lazy-loaded when `soil_class` is used inside
package functions.
The saved file includes all of `texture.csv`, hence why that lives in
`data-raw` rather than directly in `data/`.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ nstext.lines = length(stext.lines)
for(n in 1:nstext.lines){
stext.lines[[n]]$silt = pmax(0,pmin(1,1.-stext.lines[[n]]$sand-stext.lines[[n]]$clay))
}#end for
stext.lines <<- stext.lines
nstext.lines <<- nstext.lines

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,8 +97,6 @@ for(n in 1:nstext.polygon){ = stext.polygon[[n]]$clay
stext.polygon[[n]]$silt = pmax(0,pmin(1,
}#end for
stext.polygon <<- stext.polygon
nstext.polygon <<- nstext.polygon

Expand All @@ -116,7 +112,7 @@ = c("Sand","Loamy sand","Sandy loam","Silt loam","Loam","Sandy clay lo
,"Silty clay loam","Clayey loam","Sandy clay","Silty clay","Clay"
,"Peat","Bedrock","Silt","Heavy clay","Clayey sand","Clayey silt")

texture <- read.csv("~/pecan/modules/",header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
texture <- read.csv("texture.csv",header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,4 +152,33 @@ ksilt <- 3. * h2o.cond / ( 2. * h2o.cond + silt.cond )
kclay <- 3. * h2o.cond / ( 2. * h2o.cond + clay.cond )
kair <- 3. * h2o.cond / ( 2. * h2o.cond + air.cond )

# TODO may be more useful to collect related variables into sublists...
soil_class <- list(
air.cond = air.cond,
air.hcap = air.hcap,
clay.cond = clay.cond,
clay.hcap = clay.hcap,
fieldcp.K = fieldcp.K,
grav = grav,
h2o.cond = h2o.cond,
kair = kair,
kclay = kclay,
ksand = ksand,
ksilt = ksilt,
sand.cond = sand.cond,
sand.hcap = sand.hcap,
silt.cond = silt.cond,
silt.hcap = silt.hcap,
soil.key = soil.key, =,
soilcp.MPa = soilcp.MPa,
soilld.MPa = soilld.MPa,
soilwp.MPa = soilwp.MPa,
stext.lines = stext.lines,
stext.polygon = stext.polygon,
texture = texture,
theta.crit = theta.crit,
xclay.def = xclay.def,
xsand.def = xsand.def)

save(soil_class, file = "../data/soil_class.rda")
File renamed without changes.
Binary file removed modules/
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added modules/
Binary file not shown.
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions modules/

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54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions modules/

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