Welcome to the IEEEXtreme 18.0 Solutions Repository! This repository contains my solutions to problems from the IEEEXtreme 18.0 programming competition. Each folder corresponds to a specific problem and includes both the problem statement (PDF) and my solution.
- Another Sliding Window Problem
- Assets
- Balls
- Bounded Touples
- Bricks Stack
- Digits Swap
- Icarus
- Increasing Table
- King's Order
- Laser Defence
- Queries
- Stick
Each problem folder typically contains:
- Solution file
These solutions are my own work and were created for educational purposes. They may not be the most optimal solutions, but they passed the competition's test cases.
We welcome contributions to enhance this collection of IEEEXtreme 18.0 solutions:
- Add New Solutions: Submit solutions for problems not yet covered.
- Improve Existing Solutions: Optimize or clarify current solutions.
- Multiple Language Implementations: Add solutions in other programming languages.
- Improve Documentation: Enhance the README, code comments, or other documentation.
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.