Build Steamlink Game streaming software for Aarch64 system of Pifan Community, this is official storage repo.
Massive shout out to OPENFANS Community!
This repo is newly changed to public,but this repo is still a highly WIP(work in process) project, will provide developers with an IDEA, but not recommend normal end user to use
This is storage repo of Pifan Community Steamlink Aarch64 Game Streaming Software. Based on Docker. Container Technology.
This branch use Debian-buster as base image
File Tree:
Docker build file.
Built Container File
Command to install Built Container File.
sudo docker load -i path/to/tarfile
Command to start container.
Trouble-shooting Instruction.
Software Configure Menu.
2020/11/29 update Newest testing shows that docker container is no longer working out of box, Prob reason: Update made to base image of buster && update made to steamlink