ESP8266 skech for Arduino IDE that sends temperature & humidity to OVH IoT PaaS (OpenTSDB) and/or
Set your SSID and associated WIFI password
Depending on the IoT service(s) you want to use, set the required credentials as specified in the code comments.
You may enable the OVH IoT PaaS (OpenTDSB) or ThingSpeak connections by defining the constants ENABLE_OVH_IOT_PAAS and ENABLE_THINGSPEAK
The default LOOP_DELAY is 300 000 ms (5min) between each measure
The DHT22 sensor is connected on GPIO 2 as specified by the DHTPIN constant.
The metrics are sent with the names and The ".work" sub-metric is because I use 2 of these things. One at home with the submetric ".home" and one at work.