A set of tools for assisting with network analysis using OpenTripPlanner :- tasks such as:-
- Scripts to help generate OTP Graphs from a set of GTFS files (Especially if you want to create many similar graphs with slightly different timetables).
- Scripts to help co-ordinate a set of batch OTP runs, and/or running trips on a remote server, and saving details
- Scripts to then analyse these results in various ways.
- Assumes you want to use OTP to calculate routes between all stations in a city's (eg Melbourne's) GTFS file.
- makepaths.py :- run this before running the OTP routing operation, as it will create all the necessary empty directories first (Otherwise OTP will fail with an error message).
- So output directories will be of the form "N_NAME" - where N is an integer number starting at 0, and Name is a name of the station (may include spaces).
- make_od_matrix.py : run this after the OTP routing calculation completes, and it will create a file called stations_od_matrix.csv - with an OD matrix between all the stations, ordered by the Number they are in the file structure.
Similarly, TAZs-OD-Matrix:
- Assumes you want to use OTP to calculate routes between all Travel Analysis Zones specified for a city.
- It will read the TAZ centroids out of a CSV file called 'taz_locs.csv'
- makepaths.py :- run this before running the OTP routing operation, as it will create all the necessary empty directories first (Otherwise OTP will fail with an error message).
- make_od_matrix.csv :- run this after the OTP routing calculation completes, it will create a file called tazs_od_matrix.csv .