Releases: ParadoxGameConverters/paradoxGameConverters
- Read YML province names from EU4 localization.
- Handle being given a fresh province mappings file.
- Preserve initial lines as initial lines.
With this release, we are finally feature complete! The big item that was missing was different pop types converting religion and culture at different speeds. Now, your lower-class pops will convert much slower. As well, the default pop cultures for uncolonized provinces have been massively reworked. Most especially in the Americas, where things are far more interesting. Also, if you had a cultural union in EU4, the converter now handles them properly again.
In a different move, there is now a decision for the HRE if it survives to the end of EU4 without uniting. If the Emperor gets enough prestige before the liberal revolution fires, a decision allows the Emperor to centralize the HRE. All HRE members get a decision to join or resist. It's not precisely what we were aiming for at first, and there's more that can be done with it, but it's a start. Feel free to discuss it with the people doing events and decisions. And I would love if people suggested and wrote more decisions and events of all kinds for the converter. Send them my way, please!
In case you missed it, thatsgerman created a minimod to add to the converter that gives some decisions to help the Americas be a bit more dynamic. Find it linked on the forum post. And over on reddit, there was a guide for preparing for conversion by /u/cavesnail.
- Download the converter and unzip it wherever.
- Run ConverterFrontend.exe.
- Fill out all the options and keep pressing next.
- Let it run.
- Start Victoria 2, and select the mod.
This release supports EU4 1.14 (The Cossacks). Other improvements include the convert pop totals option properly handling province development, a few more random crashes fixed, pop types being driven by the new buildings in 1.12, converted canals, fixes to random world/custom nation conversion, a fix to liberty desire so that colonies can be better absorbed or released (it's based on attitude now), and the addition of some missing localisations for non-English speakers (they're the English ones for now until someone does some translation work, but they're better than the nothing that was there before).
Finally, the frontend should really truly now link you to log.txt and FAQ.txt if something goes wrong, giving you an initial chance to fix the most basic issues before needing to ask for help.
Support 1.12/1.13's new buldings for determining pop types
Use province development for converting pop totals
Include a FAQ for the frontend to link to
Only place naval bases in port provinces
Better determine where the port provinces are
Convert canals
Take absorbed vassal's decisions when absorbing them. Avoids Balboa being independent if the Panama Canal existed in a low-LD CN in EU4.
Custom/random nations no longer convert strangely.
Make validator happier.
Warn when expected output name already exists in the output folder.
Update FAQ with a new de-ironmanning technique.
Quick hack to make cultural unions a more useful tool.
Rework the liberty desire to instead use the attitude towards the overlord
Update localizations missing French, German, or Spanish translations to at least use the English ones.
Still need some improvements to culture conversion
Civ/Unciv still only determined by tech group
Others listed on the issues page
How you can help
There are a few areas where we still need help. If you'd like to help, you can:
Review province mappings
Add 'reset' data to province mappings
Review culture mappings
Update idea effects
Aid with programming
If you'd like to help, feel free to ask for details on how.
I just looked it up: this is the first release in four and a half months. Crazy.
This one should provide support to 1.12 and 1.13 saves. There's some more work to be done to fully account for the effects of province development on factories, literacy, and what kinds of pops you get, but all of those have reasonable defaults, so it should come out okay.
Additionally, Vic2 nations should no longer get absurdly large navies (appartenly this caused problems for the Vic2 AI), and ideas should now properly affect converted tech levels.
Finally, the frontend should now link you to log.txt and FAQ.txt if something goes wrong, giving you an inital chance to fix the most basic issues before needing to ask for help.
In case you missed it, thatsgerman created a minimod to add to the converter that gives some decisions to help the Americas be a bit more dynamic. Forum link/Download link.