The main file of the project is called
. It contains a parallelised version of the lid-driven cavity simulation. The default values are:
Nx = Ny = 300
(size of the grid in x- and y-direction)x_pgrid = y_pgrid = 6
(number of subgrids in x- and y-direction; (x_pgrid*y_pgrid) must be the same as the total number of allocated processors)W_SPEED = 0.1
(velocity of the moving wall)OMEGA = 1.7
(relaxation parameter)NSTEPS = 100000
(number of to perform in the simulation)SAVEPOINTS = [...]
(steps of the simulation to save as pdf-file)
If other values are wished, they can be adapted in the code. They can be found at the very beginning of the file.
After running the code once,
can be used to plot the pdf-files saved before. If Nx
, Ny
were changed for the simulation they must be changed here as well!!