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Brennen Murphy edited this page Aug 24, 2023 · 8 revisions
  • Acid_Snake for everything that he has done for ARK and continued improving it alone the way, without him the CFW scene would have not had amazing accomplishments as it does now for both the PSP and the Vita.
  • Team PRO (the original developers of ARK): Coldbird, hrimfaxi (aka. Liquid Snake) and Neur0n.
  • The Ancient Gods of the PSP Scene: mathieulth, davee, Proxima, zecoxao, among other tinkerers.
  • qwikrazor87 for being such a genius and all his hard work with kernel exploits and ARK-2.
  • TheFl0w (aka. Total_Noob) for his advancements and research in CFW development and overall contributions to the scene.
  • meetpatty for his excellent work in fixing bugs and adding important features like cIPL and DevKit support as well as porting Time Machine and Despertar del Cementerio.
  • Codestation for his incredible work improving CSO speeds and creating the ZSO format.
  • Krazynez for his amazing work on Advanced VSH Menu and other bugfixes and features.
  • pyroesp for his excellent work improving VSH Menu and refactoring code.
  • TheSubPlayer for all the wonderful themes made for the custom launcher.
  • UnkownBrackets (maxcso) for his help understanding the DAX format and Inferno speed hacks as well as creating the CSOv2 format.
  • Zer01ne, noname120, astart and other devs that have blessed me with their knowledge and wisdom.
  • Zecoxao for his great work creating dumpers that would allow us to archive rare firmwares.
  • balika for his research in porting M33 to modern firmware that has helped improve compatiblity in ARK.
  • hrydgard for the PMF player as well as being an inspiration for the custom launcher.
  • Every other giant shoulder we are standing on.
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