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DataRaceBench 1.0.0

DataRaceBench is a benchmark suite designed to systematically and quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of data race detection tools. It includes a set of microbenchmarks with and without data races. Parallelism is represented by OpenMP directives. OpenMP is a popular parallel programming model for multi-threaded applications.

Note that if you are using gcc for compiling the microbenchmarks, at least version 4.9 is required to have support for all used OpenMP directives.

DataRaceBench also comes with an evaluation script ( The script can be used to evaluate the tools Helgrind, Archer, Thread Sanitizer, and Intel Inspector. In addition a parameterized test harness (scripts/ is available which allows to provide a number of different parameters for the evaluation. The test harness is used by the evaluation script with some pre-defined values.

Microbenchmark property labels (P-Labels)

P-Label Meaning (microbenchmarks with data races) P-Label Meaning (microbenchmarks without data races)
Y1 Unresolvable dependences N1 Embarrassingly parallel
Y2 Missing data sharing clauses N2 Use of data sharing clauses
Y3 Missing synchronization N3 Use of synchronization
Y4 SIMD data races N4 Use of SIMD directives
Y5 Accelerator data races N5 Use of accelerator directives
Y6 Undefined behavior N6 Use of special language features
Y7 Numerical kernel data races N7 Numerical kernels

Microbenchmarks with known data races (some have a varying length version)

ID Microbenchmark P-Label Description Source
1|2 antidep1-(orig|var)-yes.c Y1 Anti-dependence within a single loop AutoPar
3|4 antidep2-(orig|var)-yes.c Y1 Anti-dependence within a two-level loop nest AutoPar
5 indirectaccess1-orig-yes.c Y7 Indirect access with overlapped index array elements LLNL App
6 indirectaccess2-orig-yes.c Y7 Overlapping index array elements when 36 or more threads are used LLNL App
7 indirectaccess3-orig-yes.c Y7 Overlapping index array elements when 60 or more threads are used LLNL App
8 indirectaccess4-orig-yes.c Y7 Overlapping index array elements when 180 or more threads are used LLNL App
9|10 lastprivatemissing-(orig|var)-yes.c Y2 Data race due to a missing lastprivate() clause AutoPar
11|12 minusminus-(orig|var)-yes.c Y3 Unprotected decrement operation -- AutoPar
13 nowait-orig-yes.c Y3 Missing barrier due to a wrongfully used nowait AutoPar
14|15 outofbounds-(orig|var)-yes.c Y6 Out of bound access of the 2nd dimension of array AutoPar
16|17 outputdep-(orig|var)-yes.c Y1 Output dependence and true dependence within a loop AutoPar
18|19 plusplus-(orig|var)-yes.c Y1 increment operation ++ on array index variable AutoPar
20|21 privatemissing-(orig|var)-yes.c Y2 Missing private() for a temp variable AutoPar
22|23 reductionmissing-(orig|var)-yes.c Y2 Missing reduction() for a variable AutoPar
24 sections1-orig-yes.c Y3 Unprotected data writes in parallel sections New
25|26 simdtruedep-(orig|var)-yes.c Y1,Y4 SIMD instruction level data races New
27 targetparallelfor-orig-yes.c Y1,Y5 Data races in loops offloaded to accelerators New
28 taskdependmissing-orig-yes.c Y3 Unprotected data writes in two tasks New
29|30 truedep1-(orig|var)-yes.c Y1 True data dependence among multiple array elements within a single level loop AutoPar
31|32 truedepfirstdimension-(orig|var)-yes.c Y1 True data dependence of first dimension for a 2-D array accesses AutoPar
33|34 truedeplinear-(orig|var)-yes.c Y1 Linear equation as array subscript AutoPar
35|36 truedepscalar-(orig|var)-yes.c Y1 True data dependence due to scalar AutoPar
37|38 truedepseconddimension-(orig|var)-yes.c Y1 True data dependence on 2nd dimension of a 2-D array accesses AutoPar
39|40 truedepsingleelement-(orig|var)-yes.c Y1 True data dependence due to a single array element AutoPar

Microbenchmarks without known data races

ID Microbenchmark P-Label Description Source
41 3mm-parallel-no.c N2 3-step matrix-matrix multiplication, non-optimized version Polyhedral
42 3mm-tile-no.c N2,N4 3-step matrix-matrix multiplication, with tiling and nested SIMD Polyhedral
43 adi-parallel-no.c N2 Alternating Direction Implicit solver, non-optimized version Polyhedral
44 adi-tile-no.c N2,N4 Alternating Direction Implicit solver, with tiling and nested SIMD Polyhedral
45 doall1-orig-no.c N1 Classic DOAll loop operating on a one dimensional array AutoPar
46 doall2-orig-no.c N1 Classic DOAll loop operating on a two dimensional array AutoPar
47 doallchar-orig-no.c N1 Classic DOALL loop operating on a character array New
48 firstprivate-orig-no.c N2 Example use of firstprivate AutoPar
49 fprintf-orig-no.c N6 Use of fprintf() New
50 functionparameter-orig-no.c N6 Arrays passed as function parameters LLNL App
51 getthreadnum-orig-no.c N2 single thread execution using if (omp_get_thread_num()==0) New
52 indirectaccesssharebase-orig-no.c N7 Indirect array accesses using index arrays without overlapping LLNL App
53 inneronly1-orig-no.c N1 Two-level nested loops, inner level is parallelizable. True dependence on outer level AutoPar
54 inneronly2-orig-no.c N1 Two-level nested loops, inner level is parallelizable. Anti dependence on outer level AutoPar
55 jacobi2d-parallel-no.c N7 Jacobi with array copying, no reduction, non-optimized version Polyhedral
56 jacobi2d-tile-no.c N4,N7 Jacobi with array copying, no reduction, with tiling and nested SIMD Polyhedral
57 jacobiinitialize-orig-no.c N7 The array initialization parallel loop in Jacobi AutoPar
58 jacobikernel-orig-no.c N7 Parallel Jacobi stencil computation kernel with array copying and reduction AutoPar
59 lastprivate-orig-no.c N2 Example use of lastprivate AutoPar
60 matrixmultiply-orig-no.c N7 Classic i-k-j order matrix multiplication using OpenMP AutoPar
61 matrixvector1-orig-no.c N7 Matrix-vector multiplication parallelized at the outer level loop AutoPar
62 matrixvector2-orig-no.c N7 Matrix-vector multiplication parallelized at the inner level loop with reduction AutoPar
63 outeronly1-orig-no.c N2 Two-level nested loops, outer level is parallelizable. True dependence on inner level AutoPar
64 outeronly2-orig-no.c N2 Two-level nested loops, outer level is parallelizable. Anti dependence on inner level AutoPar
65 pireduction-orig-no.c N7 PI calculation using reduction AutoPar
66 pointernoaliasing-orig-no.c N6 Pointers assigned by different malloc calls, without aliasing LLNL App
67 restrictpointer1-orig-no.c N6 C99 restrict pointers used for array initialization, no aliasing LLNL App
68 restrictpointer2-orig-no.c N6 C99 restrict pointers used for array computation, no aliasing LLNL App
69 sectionslock1-orig-no.c N3 OpenMP parallel sections with a lock to protect shared data writes New
70 simd1-orig-no.c N1,N4 OpenMP SIMD directive to indicate vectorization of a loop New
71 targetparallelfor-orig-no.c N1,N5 data races in loops offloaded to accelerators New
72 taskdep1-orig-no.c N3 OpenMP task with depend clauses to avoid data races New


DataRaceBench was created by Chunhua Liao, Pei-Hung Lin, Joshua Asplund, Markus Schordan, and Ian Karlin.


DataRaceBench is released under a BSD license. For more details see the file LICENSE.txt. The microbenchmarks marked 'Polyhedral' in above table were generated as optimization variants of benchmarks from the PolyOpt benchmark suite. For those benchmarks see the license file LICENSE.OSU.txt.



Data race benchmark suite







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  • C 95.8%
  • Shell 3.4%
  • Python 0.8%