A minimalistic Obsidian theme focused on readability and condensed information display.
- removes as much clutter as possible, similar to the hider plugin (with the exception of the scrollbar in th editor)
- intended for use for keyboard shortcuts and the command palette. (access the settings via
cmd + ,
) - tip: Filename-Heading-Sync Plugin can be used to remove the need for renaming notes (and therefore removes the need for the header bar)
light & dark
- designed for light mode & dark mode
- relationship lines in lists & file explorer
- active line highlighting
- Material Icons to indicate folder and file types, wrapping in the file explorer
suited for academic writing
- Pandoc citations and footnotes are visually emphasized
- the alt-text of images is used as caption text, in line with Pandoc's conversion behavior
- uses screen real estate more efficiently to display more information
- useful for smaller screens
- increased contrast throughout, especially with the annoying grey font on light-grey background
- make Templater code more readable
- minor coloring of bold in dark mode to make it more readable, since bold in dark mode is harder to distinguish form normal text than in light mode
subtle design
- apart from the points mentioned, the theme pretty much follows Obsidian's default theme, with iA Writer Quattro as main font and some shimmering green as secondary accent
Download the CSS file and move it into the folder .obsidian/themes/
located in your vault. Then, go to Settings ➞ Appearance ➞ Themes
, reload themes, and then select Shimmering Focus
Thanks to @kepano and @Mara for some CSS snippets, and thanks to @NothingIsLost, @só erick mesmo, @javalent, and many others from the #css-themes Discord Channel who helped me figure out CSS in this very first CSS project of mine. Special Thanks to @SlRvb who solved a lot of problems I encountered.