SimpleDTO is a PHP Experts, Inc., Project meant to facilitate easy Data Transfer Objects.
Basically, any protected property on the DTO can be set as an array element passed in to the __constructor and/or as a default value on the property itself.
The DTOs are immutable: Once created, they cannot be changed. Create a new object instead.
Via Composer
composer require phpexperts/simple-dto
As of version 2, you must define class-level @property docblocks for each one of your properties.
You also must define the data type.
use Carbon\Carbon;
use PHPExperts\SimpleDTO\SimpleDTO;
* @property-read string $name
* @property-read Carbon $date
class BirthdayDTO extends SimpleDTO
/** @var string */
protected $name;
/** @var Carbon */
protected $date;
$birthdayDTO = new BirthdayDTO([
'name' => 'Donald J. Trump',
'date' => '1946-06-14',
// Access as a property:
echo $birthday->name; // Donald J. Trump
// Properties with the data type of "Carbon" or "Carbon\Carbon"
// are automagically converted to Carbon objects.
echo $birthday->date->format('F jS, Y'); // June 14th, 1946
// Easily output as an array:
// Copy from one to another:
$newDTO = new BirthdayDTO($birthdayDTO->toArray());
// Copy from one to another, with new properties:
$newDTO = new BirthdayDTO($birthdayDTO->toArray() + [
'date' => '2020-11-03',
// Easily output as JSON:
echo json_encode($birthdayDTO);
/* Output:
"name": "Donald J. Trump",
"date": "1946-06-14T00:00:00.000000Z"
But what if you aren't ready / able to dive into strict PHP data types yet?
Well, just instantiate the parent class like this:
use PHPExperts\DataTypeValidator\DataTypeValidator;
use PHPExperts\DataTypeValidator\IsAFuzzyDataType;
* @property int $daysAlive
* @property float $age
* @property bool $isHappy
class MyFuzzyDTO extends SimpleDTO
public function __construct(array $input)
parent::__construct($input, new DataTypeValidator(new IsAFuzzyDataType());
$person = new MyFuzzyDTO([
'daysAlive' => '5000',
'age' => '13.689',
'isHappy' => 1,
echo json_encode($person, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
"daysAlive": "5000",
"age": "13.689",
"isHappy": 1
Sometimes, you may need to initialize one or more values of a DTO after it has been created. This is particularly common for stateful DTOs via multiple round-trips in certain APIs (particularly Zuora's).
To overcome the stateless nature of traditional Data Type Objects, you can use the WriteOnce
This will enable you to initialize a DTO with null and uninitialized properties, and set them once and only.
Also, you must set every property before you can serialize or json_encode()
the object, send it to toArray()
, etc.
* @property string $name
class CityDTO extends SimpleDTO
use WriteOnce;
protected int $population;
$cityDTO = new CityDTO(['name' => 'Dubai']);
If you are using PHP 8.0 and above, you can have SimpleDTO ignore any particular protected
property (PHP will treat it
like any regular protected property) using the #[IgnoreAsDTO]
$testDTO = new class(['name' => 'Sofia', 'birthYear' => 2010]) extends SimpleDTO {
protected int $age;
protected string $name;
protected int $birthYear;
public function calcAge(): int
$this->age = date('Y') - $this->birthYear;
return $this->age;
You can nest DTOs inside of each other.
$myDTO = new MyTestDTO([
'name' => 'PHP Experts, Inc.',
'age' => 7.01,
'year' => 2019,
* @property MyTestDTO $myDTO
$dto = new class(['myDTO' => $myDTO]) extends NestedDTO
PHPExperts\SimpleDTO\NestedDTO@anonymous {
-dataTypeRules: array:1 [
"myDTO" => "?MyTestDTO"
-data: array:1 [
"myDTO" => PHPExperts\SimpleDTO\Tests\MyTestDTO {#355
-dataTypeRules: array:3 [
"name" => "?string"
"age" => "?float"
"year" => "?int"
-data: array:3 [
"name" => "PHP Experts, Inc."
"age" => 7.01
"year" => 2019
✔ Properties are set via the constructor
✔ Properties are accessed as public properties
✔ Constructor assigns default values of typed properties
✔ Public, private and static protected properties will be ignored
✔ Each DTO is immutable
✔ Setting any property returns an exception
✔ Concrete properties can be used to set default values
✔ Properties with the type carbon become carbon dates
✔ Can easily output to array
✔ Can easily be JSON encoded
✔ Can easily be JSON decoded
✔ Nullable properties are allowed
✔ Every property is nullable with permissive mode
✔ Can be serialized
✔ Can be unserialized
✔ Extra validation can be added
✔ Can get the internal data
✔ Can identify if it is permissive or not
✔ Can ignore protected properties with the #[IgnoreDTO] Attribute.
✔ Will construct nested DTOs
✔ Can construct arrays of nested DTOs
✔ Can retrieve the stored DTOs.
✔ Will convert array data into the appropriate Nested DTOs
✔ Will convert stdClasses into the appropriate Nested DTOs
✔ Nested DTOs use Loose typing
✔ Nested DTOs can be built using Typed Properties
✔ Nested DTOs with Typed Properties use Strict typing
✔ All registered Nested DTOs are required
✔ Optional, unregistered, Nested DTOs are handled gracefully
✔ Can be serialized
✔ Can be unserialized
✔ Can validate the DTO manually
✔ Can get the internal data
✔ Can accept null values
✔ Can be serialized
✔ Will validate on serialize
✔ Will validate on to array
✔ Can write each null value once
✔ Write-Once values must validate
SimpleDTO Sad Paths
✔ Cannot initialize with a nonexisting property
✔ Accessing a nonexisting property throws an error
✔ A DTO must have class property docblocks -or- typehint for each concrete property
✔ Carbon date strings must be parsable dates
✔ Properties must match their data types
✔ Will not unserialize DTOs with invalid data
✔ Cannot overwrite a non-existing property
phpunit --testdox
Theodore R. Smith [email protected]
GPG Fingerprint: 4BF8 2613 1C34 87AC D28F 2AD8 EB24 A91D D612 5690
CEO: PHP Experts, Inc.
MIT license. Please see the license file for more information.