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Webhook request

gerome12 edited this page Sep 25, 2020 · 16 revisions

The request send by KHEOPS when a new series or a new study is added to an album or when a new user is added to the album.

URL : webhook url

Methode : POST


  • X-Kheops-Signature : The HMAC hex digest of the request body. This header will be sent if the webhook is configured with a secret. The HMAC hex digest is generated using the sha2 hash function and the secret as the HMAC key.
  • X-Kheops-Attempt : The request number n/x. n is the number of the attempt and x is the maximum number of attempts that will be made.
  • X-Kheops-Delivery : An ID to identify the delivery.
  • X-Kheops-Event : The webhook type. Can be : new_series, new_user, remove_series, delete_album

Request body

New user

  "host": "",
  "album_id": "reHZU15WLi",
  "event_time": "2020-01-24T10:13:13.360389300",
  "source": {
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "last_name": "user",
    "first_name": "one",
    "sub": "c2fd0b66-dac4-4b98-9341-d4f3b303bd4e",
    "is_admin": true
  "is_manual_trigger": false,
  "new_user": {
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "last_name": "user",
    "first_name": "two",
    "sub": "baa88921-db53-4a59-80d3-7853da25e7f0",
    "is_admin": false

New series

  "host": "",
  "album_id": "cqir6dUDBC",
  "event_time": "2020-01-24T09:23:06.912",
  "import_source": "upload",
  "source": {
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "last_name": "user",
    "first_name": "one",
    "sub": "c2fd0b66-dac4-4b98-9341-d4f3b303bd4e",
    "is_admin": true
  "is_manual_trigger": false,
  "updated_study": {
    "patient_name": "ANEURIX",
    "patient_ID": "FhM2hk",
    "study_uid": "2.16.840.1.113669.632.20.1211.10000744858",
    "study_date": "20080821",
    "study_time": "150122.906000",
    "timezone_offset_from_utc": "-0200",
    "study_description": "Vasculaire^Angio_MI (Adulte)",
    "study_id": "A10048724269",
    "accession_number": "1234",
    "referring_physician_name": "NuvOKz90RcTFE0oW",
    "patient_birth_date": "19450201",
    "patient_sex": "F",
    "retrieve_url": "",
    "series": [
         "modality": "CT",
         "series_description": "LL",
         "series_uid": "",
         "number_of_series_related_instance": 922,
         "body_part_examined": "chest",
         "timezone_offset_from_utc": "-0200",
         "series_number": 12345,
         "retrieve_url": ""

New study

  "host": "",
  "album_id": "cqir6dUDBC",
  "event_time": "2020-01-24T09:25:51.746",
  "import_source": "send",
  "source": {
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "last_name": "user",
    "first_name": "one",
    "sub": "c2fd0b66-dac4-4b98-9341-d4f3b303bd4e",
    "is_admin": true
  "is_manual_trigger": false,
  "updated_study": {
     "patient_name": "ANEURIX",
     "patient_ID": "FhM2hk",
     "study_uid": "2.16.840.1.113669.632.20.1211.10000744858",
     "study_date": "20080821",
     "study_time": "150122.906000",
     "timezone_offset_from_utc": "-0200",
     "study_description": "Vasculaire^Angio_MI (Adulte)",
     "study_id": "A10048724269",
     "accession_number": "1234",
     "referring_physician_name": "NuvOKz90RcTFE0oW",
     "patient_birth_date": "19450201",
     "patient_sex": "F",
     "retrieve_url": "",
     "series": [
          "modality": "CT",
          "series_description": "\"LL - Calibrated\"",
          "series_uid": "",
          "number_of_series_related_instance": 1,
          "body_part_examined": "chest",
          "timezone_offset_from_utc": "-0200",
          "series_number": 2734568347,
          "retrieve_url": ""
          "modality": "CT",
          "series_description": "\"LL - Calibrated\"",
          "series_uid": "",
          "number_of_series_related_instance": 1,
          "body_part_examined": "chest",
          "timezone_offset_from_utc": "-0200",
          "series_number": 90789,
          "retrieve_url": ""
          "modality": "CT",
          "series_description": "LL",
          "series_uid": "",
          "number_of_series_related_instance": 922,
          "body_part_examined": "chest",
          "timezone_offset_from_utc": "-0200",
          "series_number": 67876876,
          "retrieve_url": ""

If the new series comes from a report provider, the following json parameter is added to the source parameter.

  "report_provider": {
    "name": "report provider name",
    "client_id": "OOjTXlQdrFwyi1vJfOh1na"

If the new series come from an album capability token, the following json parameter is added to the source parameter.

    "capability_token": {
      "id": "x3zYcA6wjn",
      "title": "the name of the token"

Remove series

  "host": "",
  "album_id": "cqir6dUDBC",
  "event_time": "2020-01-24T09:23:06.912",
  "remove_all_series": false, 
  "source": {
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "last_name": "user",
    "first_name": "one",
    "sub": "c2fd0b66-dac4-4b98-9341-d4f3b303bd4e",
    "is_admin": true
  "is_manual_trigger": false,
  "updated_study": {
    "patient_name": "ANEURIX",
    "patient_ID": "FhM2hk",
    "study_uid": "2.16.840.1.113669.632.20.1211.10000744858",
    "study_date": "20080821",
    "study_time": "150122.906000",
    "timezone_offset_from_utc": "-0200",
    "study_description": "Vasculaire^Angio_MI (Adulte)",
    "study_id": "A10048724269",
    "accession_number": "1234",
    "referring_physician_name": "NuvOKz90RcTFE0oW",
    "patient_birth_date": "19450201",
    "patient_sex": "F",
    "retrieve_url": "",
    "series": [
         "modality": "CT",
         "series_description": "LL",
         "series_uid": "",
         "number_of_series_related_instance": 922,
         "body_part_examined": "chest",
         "timezone_offset_from_utc": "-0200",
         "series_number": 12345

Remove study

  "host": "",
  "album_id": "cqir6dUDBC",
  "event_time": "2020-01-24T09:25:51.746",
  "remove_all_series": true,
  "source": {
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "last_name": "user",
    "first_name": "one",
    "sub": "c2fd0b66-dac4-4b98-9341-d4f3b303bd4e",
    "is_admin": true
  "is_manual_trigger": false,
  "updated_study": {
     "patient_name": "ANEURIX",
     "patient_ID": "FhM2hk",
     "study_uid": "2.16.840.1.113669.632.20.1211.10000744858",
     "study_date": "20080821",
     "study_time": "150122.906000",
     "timezone_offset_from_utc": "-0200",
     "study_description": "Vasculaire^Angio_MI (Adulte)",
     "study_id": "A10048724269",
     "accession_number": "1234",
     "referring_physician_name": "NuvOKz90RcTFE0oW",
     "patient_birth_date": "19450201",
     "patient_sex": "F",
     "series": [
          "modality": "CT",
          "series_description": "\"LL - Calibrated\"",
          "series_uid": "",
          "number_of_series_related_instance": 1,
          "body_part_examined": "chest",
          "timezone_offset_from_utc": "-0200",
          "series_number": 2734568347
          "modality": "CT",
          "series_description": "\"LL - Calibrated\"",
          "series_uid": "",
          "number_of_series_related_instance": 1,
          "body_part_examined": "chest",
          "timezone_offset_from_utc": "-0200",
          "series_number": 90789
          "modality": "CT",
          "series_description": "LL",
          "series_uid": "",
          "number_of_series_related_instance": 922,
          "body_part_examined": "chest",
          "timezone_offset_from_utc": "-0200",
          "series_number": 67876876

If the series is removed by an album capability token, the following json parameter is added to the source parameter.

    "capability_token": {
      "id": "x3zYcA6wjn",
      "title": "the name of the token"

Delete album

  "host": "",
  "album_id": "cqir6dUDBC",
  "event_time": "2020-01-24T09:25:51.746",
  "source": {
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "last_name": "user",
    "first_name": "one",
    "sub": "c2fd0b66-dac4-4b98-9341-d4f3b303bd4e",
    "is_admin": true
  "is_manual_trigger": false
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