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DUT Data Storage

Stephen McGinty edited this page Dec 8, 2019 · 2 revisions

The DUT Data Model

The DUT is the central data store for a device in Origen.

One instance of a DUT is created per target load in Origen and it contains all metadata and state associated with the current device target. e.g. pins, registers, etc.

One of the challenges with Rust programming vs. something like Python is that you cannot create the equivalent of instance variables on the Rust side to maintain state between function calls. When a call is made to a Rust function from Python application code, all variables created by the Rust function are placed on the stack and then at the end of the function the stack is un-wound and all the variables are lost. The next function call starts from scratch again. There are some ways around this by the use of statics, but generally the advice from Rust experts is to avoid this except when dealing with immutable, truly global data. We use this approach in Origen for things like the Origen and application configs which are constants, or singletons like the LOGGER. One of the problems that makes this approach not suitable for storing the DUT data is that static memory cannot be reclaimed, so an application that consumes a large amount of memory from a DUT model and then switched targets, would now have n DUTs in memory, which could become a real problem when the DUTs are large SoCs.

In Origen we obviously need a solution to store the DUT in memory between function calls and the way it is handled is as follows:

  • The DUT struct has a corresponding struct in the Python API which instantiates a single instance of it, like this:

    struct PyDUT {
        dut: DUT,
  • PyDUT is instantiated on the Python side during target loading (as dut.db), meaning that the memory associated with it is owned by Python and the Python garbage collector will take care of freeing it whenever targets are switched and it goes out of scope.

  • All calls to Rust functions, for example to add a register to the model or to get the current value of a register, will be done via this DUT object; thereby giving the given Rust function access to the current DUT data.

  • Additionally, some functions may take a mandatory argument to specify which child block of the DUT to act on. E.g. adding a register:

    # Add a 32-bit reg to the DUT top-level, note that this is being called a method of `dut.db`
    # which is the current instance of PyDUT and `None` as the 1st argument which means no
    # reference to a child node.
    dut.db.create_reg(None, "my_reg", 0x0, 32)
    # Add a similar reg to a child block of the DUT, in this case the block that is instantiated
    # at `dut.adc0`
    dut.db.create_reg("adc0", "my_reg", 0x0, 32)
  • Higher level APIs on the Python side will hide the fact we are calling through dut.db and the hierarchical references from the user, that will all be done in the background depending on which object they are acting on.

  • The data in the DUT struct will be organized to make the resolution of hierarchical references as efficient as possible.

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