OpenMaine project to collect and present COVID-19 resources for Mainers. This is just the website, e.g., linking to Google docs.
Please join our Slack channel, p-covid19. (Please go to to find a link to join our Slack, plus more information about OpenMaine.)
Also, please see the Wiki tab above for more info, as well as Issues.
First, just look at the green "Clone or download" button on the upper left. You can "Download ZIP" to get your own copy this way. Open the .zip file and navigate to the index.html file... this should open 'the website' (but not on the web) in your browser.
If you will be contributing, see some info here: (but, alas, there is much more to learn)
Nutshell process to contribute code, w/o branching, on the command line:
- Clone repo, as described in the link above you now have a local copy, in a new directory called "Campaign-Finance"
- cd into that directory
- edit
- (check your work!)
- here's how to push it back up:
git add .
git commit -m 'message about what I did'
git push
The first line adds all your changes, to a staging area. The second line 'commits' those; make sure you include a meaningful message. The last line actually makes the changes on GitHub.
I don't ever use the desktop client, so can't help you there.
Also, there is tons to learn about branching, which is the better way to work.