Ultra-fast Multi-threaded FASTQ Demultiplexing
This binary is only for Linux systems: http://opengene.org/defastq/defastq
# this binary was compiled on CentOS, and tested on CentOS/Ubuntu
wget http://opengene.org/defastq/defastq
chmod a+x ./defastq
See https://github.com/intel/isa-l_crypto
git clone https://github.com/intel/isa-l_crypto.git
cd isa-l
sudo make install
See https://github.com/ebiggers/libdeflate
git clone https://github.com/ebiggers/libdeflate.git
cd libdeflate
sudo make install
# get source (you can also use browser to download from master or releases)
git clone https://github.com/OpenGene/defastq.git
# build
cd defastq
# Install
sudo make install
If you want to create static build using make static
, please make sure that the fold isa-l
, libdeflate
and defastq
are in the same directory.
usage: ./defastq --in1=string --barcode_place=string --index=string [options] ...
-1, --in1 input file name for read1 (string)
-2, --in2 input file name for read2 (string [=])
-b, --barcode_place For MGI it should be read1 or read2, for Illumina, it should be index1/index2/both_index (string)
-s, --barcode_start If barcode_place is read1 or read2, the barcode starting position should be specified. This is 1-based. (int [=0])
-l, --barcode_length If barcode_place is read1 or read2, the barcode length should be specified (int [=0])
-i, --index a CSV/TSV/FASTA file contains two values (filename, barcode) (string)
-r, --reverse_complement specify this if the index barcodes are reverse complement.
-o, --out_folder output folder, default is current working directory (string [=.])
-u, --undecoded the file name to store undetermined reads, default is 'undecoded'. To discard the undetermined reads, specify discard (string [=undecoded])
-z, --compression compression level for gzip output (1 ~ 12). 0 means no compression, 1 is fastest, 12 is smallest, default is 6. (int [=6])
-a, --allowed_mismatch allowed mismatch (0~2) (int [=0])
-n, --thread number of threads (at least 4 for SE, 5 for PE), default 0 means one thread per core. (int [=0])
-m, --memory memory limit (GB), 4GB is minimal, default 0 means unlimited. (int [=0])
--debug print debug information.
-?, --help print this message