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Implementation of Feign on Vertx. Brings you the best of two worlds together : concise syntax of Feign to write client side API on fast, asynchronous and non-blocking HTTP client of Vertx.


With Maven


With Gradle

compile group: 'io.github.openfeign', name: 'feign-vertx', version: '6.0.1'


Feign feign-vertx Vertx
8.x 1.x+ 3.5.x - 3.9.x (except 3.5.2)
9.x 2.x+ 3.5.x - 3.9.x (except 3.5.2)
10.x (except 10.5.0) 3.x+ 3.5.x - 3.9.x (except 3.5.2)
11.x 4.x+ 3.5.x - 3.9.x (except 3.5.2)
11.x 5.x+ 4.x
12.x unsupported
13.x 6.x+ 4.x


Write Feign API as usual, but every method of interface must return io.vertx.core.Future.

@Headers({ "Accept: application/json" })
interface IcecreamServiceApi {

  @RequestLine("GET /icecream/flavors")
  Future<Collection<Flavor>> getAvailableFlavors();

  @RequestLine("GET /icecream/mixins")
  Future<Collection<Mixin>> getAvailableMixins();

  @RequestLine("POST /icecream/orders")
  @Headers("Content-Type: application/json")
  Future<Bill> makeOrder(IceCreamOrder order);

  @RequestLine("GET /icecream/orders/{orderId}")
  Future<IceCreamOrder> findOrder(@Param("orderId") int orderId);
  @RequestLine("POST /icecream/bills/pay")
  @Headers("Content-Type: application/json")
  Future<Void> payBill(Bill bill);

Build the client :

Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx();  // get Vertx instance

/* Create instance of your API */
IcecreamServiceApi icecreamApi = VertxFeign
    .vertx(vertx) // provide vertx instance
    .encoder(new JacksonEncoder())
    .decoder(new JacksonDecoder())
    .target(IcecreamServiceApi.class, "");
/* Execute requests asynchronously */
Future<Collection<Flavor>> flavorsFuture = icecreamApi.getAvailableFlavors();
Future<Collection<Mixin>> mixinsFuture = icecreamApi.getAvailableMixins();


Library distributed under Apache License Version 2.0.