This repository is deprecated. It is replaced by
This module provides an OpenSocial interface to OpenConext. It is licensed under the Apache 2 license.
Apart from the actual REST inteface, this module contains an OAuth 'form-based' client, capable of making configurable OAuth calls (available under /v1/test):
- 2-legged and 3-legged OAuth1.0a
- OAuth2.0 authorization code grant and implicit grant
- OAuth2.0 access token requests using either query parameters, entity body parameters or the authorization header
- Step by step detail information about the OAuth requests and responses
OpenConextOAuthClient api = new OpenConextOAuthClientImpl();
api.setEndpointBaseUrl(""); // (1)
api.getPerson("", null);
(1) Note that 'v1' in this URL does not mean OAuth 1.0a, but rather version 1 of the entire OpenConext API.
Or wire it using Spring XML:
<bean id="apiClient" class="nl.surfnet.coin.api.client.OpenConextOAuthClientImpl">
<property name="endpointBaseUrl" value="${api-location}" />
<property name="consumerKey" value="${oauth-key}"/>
<property name="consumerSecret" value="${oauth-secret}" />
<property name="version" value="v10a" />
This yields:
"entry": {
"nickname":"Geert van der Ploeg",
"emails":[{"value":"[email protected]","type":"email"}],
"name":{"formatted":"Geert van der Ploeg","familyName":"van der Ploeg","givenName":"Geert"},
"displayName":"Geert van der Ploeg",